Work with Me
I offer a variety of options to deeply support you in making significant positive changes and manifesting your goals. If you’re ready to clear the internal blocks and move into action, then set up a free consultation with me, and together we’ll explore how I might help you.
To schedule your free consultation, email me or call 1+781-536-4525
( I’m in the Eastern Time Zone)
“Courageous Heart” Self-Paced Repatterning
for the Water Element
Join this Repatterning and move into resonance with the positive qualities of the Water Element:
- Having Courage and Clarity,
- Being Calm and Steady in these turbulent times,
- Feeling Empowered to meet your life’s challenges, and
- Getting Unstuck and Flowing around obstacles.
Boost your courage and your light quotient so you shine even more brightly and radiantly.
As soon as you register for this session, the written session report will be emailed to your in-box so you can do this Repatterning right now or at your earliest convenience!
“I Let Go With Ease” Repatterning for the Metal Element
Self-Paced Repatterning
This time we are living through right now is one big colossal, collective Hero’s Journey. The miracle is that once you Let Go of resistance — and commit to the journey — all manner of help comes to your aid!
Join this Resonance Repatterning Proxy Group and move into resonance with the positive qualities of the Metal Element and:
• Let go with ease,
• Release grief and regrets,
• Maintain your connection to the divine within yourself and others, and Align with your true purpose.
Wherever you are on this journey, aligning with the Metal Element can help ease your way.
As soon as you register for this session, the written session report will be emailed to your in-box so you can do this Repatterning right now or at your earliest convenience!
Mercury Retrograde Self-Paced Repatterning
This Repatterning is designed to help you:
• Flow with more patience and equilibrium,
• Courageously face your shadow and heal your past,
• Integrate new, healthier ways of responding to anger and aggression,
• Heal and integrate buried feelings and desires so you can channel
your anger into passion and purpose.
Get this Repatterning and experience more ease, love and confidence!
As soon as you register for this session, the written session report will be emailed to your in-box so you can do this Repatterning right now or at your earliest convenience!
“I Relish in the Joy of Creation!”
Self-Paced Repatterning
Do you know the ONE thing you can do to accelerate your creative process into real-world manifestations?
Whether you want to manifest that deep, committed relationship with your soulmate, the love of your life…
♥ Or attract lucrative work that uplifts your heart and makes your spirit sing…
♥ Or create more harmonious relationships with your children…
♥ Or have more financial abundance…
♥ Or just have a more relaxed and fun summer for yourself…
When you infuse your creative process with joy, you accelerate its manifestation.
When YOU are infused with joy your intentions manifest with Ease and Speed!
As soon as you purchase the session report will be emailed to your in-box so you can do this Repatterning right now or at your earliest convenience!
Deep Rejuvenating Sleep
Self-Paced Repatterning
Did you know that your body weight, your physical health, your emotional stability, your mental clarity, and your stamina all need a good night’s sleep?
Get this Deep Rejuvenating Sleep Repatterning to move into resonance with consistent, rejuvenating sleep and release patterns of stress which can interrupt your rest. You’ll sleep better and wake up refreshed – ready to embrace the day!
As soon as you purchase the session report will be emailed to your in-box so you can do this Repatterning right now or at your earliest convenience!
“Repatterning for the Wood Element”
Self-Paced Repatterning
If you’re feeling disorganized, unfocused or indecisive then you know how frustrating it is to try to make plans and move forward.
Second guessing yourself, wasting time, and getting stuck in the same old rut are signs your Wood Element Energy is out of balance.
Join this Self-Paced Repatterning to align with the positive qualities of the Wood Element:
♥ Experience the peace of mind that flows from having a clear vision of what you want and need.
♥ Know how to begin and then take each step as it naturally unfolds.
♥ Feel confident because you have laser sharp discernment: you know what to do and when.
Join this Self-Paced Repatterning and Release doubt, indecision and procrastination and move forward with confidence!
As soon as you register for this session, the written session report will be emailed to your in-box so you can do this Repatterning right now or at your earliest convenience!
Integrating the Divine Feminine and Masculine
Did you know that healing your relationship to your own biological parents can be the gateway into healing your relationship with the Divine Masculine and Feminine?
Your parents are the physical representations of the Divine Mother and the Divine Father for you, here on earth. These primary parental relationships are the template for how you “do” life – whether you feel successful, confident, proactive, fulfilled, joyful, abundant, etc.
If you want to integrate the Divine Masculine and Feminine within yourself, start with healing your relationship with your own biological parents. This package includes the Healing Your Mother Wound Self-Paced Repatterning and the Accepting Your Father Self-Paced Repatterning.
As soon as you register both written session reports will be emailed to your in-box so you can do these Repatternings right now or at your earliest convenience!
Loving Communication: Releasing Emotional Triggers Self-Paced Repatterning
Do you dread it when you have to tell someone, “No?”
Is setting boundaries difficult for you?
Do you feel uncomfortable when you have call someone out on their inappropriate behavior?
And what about just plain old communicating your needs and asking for what you want?
Would you rather suffer in silence or go without, instead of speaking up?
What if you could do all of this…
♥ Set boundaries,
♥ Let people know that how they are treating you is not ok, and
♥ Ask for what you need with clarity and directness.
And do it…
♥ Free of apologizing for it,
♥ Free of downplaying the importance of the matter, and
♥ Free of feeling guilty about it!
Get this Repatterning and release the energy of your emotional triggers that get in the way of loving communication. Imagine communicating your point of view in a way that your intended feels safe receiving it!
As soon as you register for this session, the written session report will be emailed to your in-box so you can do this Repatterning right now or at your earliest convenience!
Reap Your Rewards Self-Paced Repatterning for Your Earth Element
How do you feel when your intentions don’t come to fruition? Do you start to doubt yourself? Lose confidence? Feel unsupported? Become anxious and worry that your needs won’t be met?
Get this Self-Paced Repatterning and:
• Stay grounded and maintain your equilibrium through times of transition,
• Feel Safe, Secure, Nurtured, and Supported,
• Trust that you’ll always have what you need, and
• Enjoy the sweetness that life has to offer!
In the Chinese Five Element System, the Earth Element relates to survival issues. In ancient times survival depended on a rich and bountiful harvest. When your Earth Element is out of balance you can get stuck in survival mode, worry that you won’t have enough and feel anxious about an uncertain future.
Transitions are another aspect of the Earth Element. Too many transitions and quick changes make it hard to digest your experiences and integrate the riches of your learning. This destabilizes you and makes you stressed-out.
This Self-Paced Repatterning for the Earth Element can help because when your Earth Element is optimized it’s a lot easier for you to manifest and feel abundant!
Get this Self-Paced Repatterning and stabilize your Earth Element. You’ll feel more grounded, secure and a whole lot more content and fulfilled!
As soon as you purchase the written session report will be emailed to your in-box so you can do this Repatterning right now or at your earliest convenience!

Hot Passion Self-Paced Repatterning for the Fire Element
Passion is the juice that electrifies and lights up your very being. Passion is the fuel that drives your co-creative engine. Passion is the fire that ignites inspiration.
You know how you feel when you are living with passion:
♥ You become absorbed in the moment, fully present, and energized.
♥ You are open and receptive to pleasure and intimacy.
♥ Every cell in your body is awake, alive, and tingling.
Yes, passion puts sizzle and spice into your love life, but did you know that it can also infuse your most mundane daily activities?
But if you’re like most people you dampen your passion and rarely unleash its full power. You were conditioned from early childhood to not get too excited, to calm down, sit still, and keep your voice down. The result is that after years of living in this constrained state, unleashing your passion can feel kind of scary – too intense, out of control. But the fact is that without passion life feels flat and meaningless. Tedium and boredom sap your energy and your body feels heavy under the weight of monotony.
What’s more, there is an infinite supply of love and it’s through your passion that you access the abundance of this supply. Your passion is the force that manifests intention into form. Squelching your passion limits your access to abundance, success, and even your life energy.
Get this Repatterning and feel more passionate, joyful and alive!
As soon as you purchase the written session report will be emailed to your in-box so you can do this Repatterning right now or at your earliest convenience!
Mastering Time Self-Paced Repatterning
Feeling pressed for time?
Would you love to get back in tune with your own natural rhythms?
Then this self-paced session is for you!
It will help you rise above your daily time pressures, feel more productive and bring relief to your whole system. Imagine going through your day feeling like you’ve got all the time you need.
As soon as you purchase the session report will be emailed to your in-box so you can do this Repatterning right now or at your earliest convenience!
Self-Paced Repatterning for The Money Sovereign
If you want to play a bigger role in the world, you’ll need to integrate the positive qualities of the Money Sovereign archetype.
Money Sovereigns stand in own authority and embody integrity and leadership. They have mastered the self and have integrated the lower emotions. They wield their power with integrity and compassion.
Aligned with the highest good for all concerned, The Money Sovereign is adept at implementing systems that support growth and freedom. This is true whether it’s running a household or growing a business.
The unintegrated Sovereign abdicates their power and may seek counsel from unworthy sources, believing the advice of others over own inner knowing.
Because the Sovereign feels the weight of responsibility, they may be unable to ask for help and support. Lack of trust and faith in others can make the Sovereign a poor delegator. This is especially true when the Sovereign is self-employed. This lack of faith can turn the Sovereign into the Tyrant or the Despot, ruled by insecurity and the need to control.
This Repatterning is designed to integrate your Money Sovereign aspects so you can build your support team as you stand in your own authority with integrity and compassion.
$44 (USD)
As soon as you purchase the session report will be emailed to your in-box so you can do this Repatterning right now or at your earliest convenience! Image courtesy of Stuart Miles/
Repatterning for the Metal Element Self-Paced Repatterning
Move into resonance with the positive qualities of the Metal Element and:
• Feel worthy and deserving of the highest blessings.
• Let go of distractions and things that take you off task,
• Commit to intentions that are aligned with your true purpose and values,
• Connect to your divine power as a spiritual being here on planet earth All necessary aspects for manifesting abundance!
As soon as you purchase you‘ll get the session report emailed to your in-box so you can do this Repatterning right now or at your earliest convenience!