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Activating Chakra Lines of Force
Cellular Breath (breathing pattern)
Communicating Needs Repatterning
Developmental Needs Affirmations
Geometric Frequency Repatterning
Ha! Sound for Heart Connection
Infinity 8’s for Absorbing Photons (Light)
Integration for Growth Repatterning
Integration Process for Completions
Intention for a New Possibility
Inward Moving Energy Disruption
Modality to Transform Resonance
Movement for Life Repatterning
Outward Moving Energy Disruption
Parasympathetic Nervous System (PNS)
Relationship Intention Repatterning
Visualization for a Lost Quality Retrieval
Acceptance is an important attitude to shift your resistance to what is happening. If you don’t accept what is happening your resistance causes you to move into phase with non-coherence, which results in more pain. “Why me?” is a common cry that only increases your upset. Acceptance represents a high state of coherence. Therefore, simply by accepting what is happening, free of all resistance, it automatically affects your experience of pain in a positive way.
This doesn’t mean that you are passive. Right action is always essential. But it does mean that you move into phase with accepting every “unpleasant” aspect of what is happening or has happened. If you don’t accept the reality of what is, your frequency patterns become non-coherent and your life force is reduced. In other words, with non-acceptance your pain and problems increase.
It is said that people who survive in the desert or in airplane crashes in remote mountain areas are those who accept the reality of what is, and then go into action. Refusing to accept what is, blocks action and reduces your capacity to survive.
Activating Chakra Lines of Force
The five lower chakras correlate to the five fingers and five toes. As the chakras spin lines of force flow out from each one, cycling through the fingers and toes before being attracted back to their respective chakra to be recharged.
By working into and massaging each finger and each toe, you can activate the line of force associated with each chakra and harmonize the energy in the whole body.
The thumb and the big toe correspond to the throat chakra; the pointer finger and the second toe correspond to the heart chakra; the middle finger and middle toe correspond to the solar plexus chakra; the ring finger and 4th toe correspond to the pelvic chakra and the pinky finger and little toe correspond to the root chakra.
Dr. Randolph Stone, the developer of Polarity Therapy, recommended spending ten minutes each day working on your fingers and toes, saying that this was the best health insurance. Wherever there is pain, the energy is blocked, either physically, mentally, or emotionally and when the lines of force are activated and balanced it releases the blocks and the pain dissipates.
Alpha Brain Waves
8-12 cycles per second, allows for day-dreaming, floating between sleep and waking, healing states and creativity.
The amygdala is part of the limbic system and generates and registers fear and other negative emotions such as sadness and anger. It is also thought to be where unconscious, traumatic memories are stored.
Appreciation Repatterning
Appreciation is the ability to remember with gratitude all that you have been given. Appreciation is a high level of vibration or coherence. When you have appreciation, especially in difficult circumstances, it automatically moves you to a higher level of consciousness so you can see a higher perspective. When you are in phase with appreciation you feel uplifted and your pain, which is non-coherent, is automatically lessened.
In the East it is said that gratitude opens the gate to divine grace. It is this appreciation for who you are and all that you have been given that brings peace of mind and love. When you remember the divine with gratitude for everything that is beautiful, you experience contentment, no matter how difficult your life circumstances may be.
Basal Ganglia
The basal ganglia is part of the limbic system of the brain and is associated with
integrating feelings, thoughts and movement. It is also involved with setting the body’s idle or anxiety level.
B/C (Note of)
The frequencies between the note of B and the note of C represent the brain area of the corpus callosum and integration of the right and left brain hemispheres. In some systems the note of B is associated with the Crown Chakra and the note of C with the Earth Chakra.
Personal Correlations:
“I experience the perfection in everyone and in all events.”
“I manifest higher frequencies into physical form.”
Birth Process Repatterning
This Repatterning is draws from the work of Dr. William Emerson and Dr. Ray Castellino, who posit that the consciousness of the baby absorbs everything that happens during pregnancy – from conception, throughout the nine months of gestation, to during the actual birth process. The baby’s consciousness picks up all of the thoughts and feelings of the parents from conception onward and even the attitudes of the doctors and nurses attendant at the birth.
What happened to you during your pre-natal period and birth process is recapitulated in your relationships, in the state of your health and in the events of your life. It appears that our pre-natal world is mirrored in our lives.
Your birth process controls how you respond to life’s challenges because these perceived traumas are superimposed on your present relationships, to their detriment. The Birth Process Repatterning is an important step to moving to a higher level of coherence by identifying and transforming the non- coherent patterns of your birth journey when particular needs were not met.
The Birth Process Repatterning identifies your unconscious beliefs and feelings associated with your birth. By doing this repatterning you are able to move into phase with updated, life-enhancing perceptions. Once you are no longer in phase with out-moded, life-depleting attitudes based on painful past experiences, you are free to give and receive love in your present relationships, unfettered by old traumas.
Bladder Meridian
Correlates to the Water Element in the Chinese Five Element Acupuncture Theory. Its high energy time is 3:00 to 5:00 pm; its low energy time is 3:00 to 5:00 am. Bladder Meridian qualities include the ability to contain and release at the right time; transform fear into courage; access understanding and use it to bring depth and clarity; use will power to access your essence and realize who you are; recognize limits and boundaries, and flow around obstacles to keep moving forward.
Blue (the color)
The color blue correlates to the Throat Chakra and the note of G. Traditionally held beliefs about the Color Blue are that it increases the elimination of toxins through sweating, relieves itching and pain from burns, vitality builder, positive effect on the lungs, reduces fever and inflammation.
Emotional Benefits: peace, serenity, tenderness, contentment, soothing, confidence, clarity, communication.
C (the Note of)
The Note of C corresponds to the Root Chakra, the color red, the adrenal glands, and gross circulation in the body.
Gemstones associated with the Note of C are: garnet, ruby, bloodstone, smokey quartz.
Essential Oils associated with the Note of C are: cedar, clove, cypress, marjoram, myrrh.
Some coherent qualities are: I am open; I am noble; I am willing to take risks; I am brave.
Personal Correlation: I am responsible, full of hope and choose to create positive change.
Calming Cross-Overs
This calming cross-overs position aims to release emotional and environmental stress and bring coherence to both hemispheres of the brain. It is a wonderful position to do while lying in bed in the morning, in preparation for getting up and starting a new day, and also when you return home after a day of work. You can also do this in tense situations and whenever you feel worried, upset, or stressed.
How To:
Cross one ankle over the other.
Place your hands back to back in front of you.
Next place one wrist on top of the other, so your palms face each other and interlock your fingers. Bring the two clasped hands down and around so your crossed hands rest on your chest, and your elbows are relaxed against your chest.
Place your tongue on the roof of your mouth, close your eyes and breathe deeply. Relax deeply and feel the layers of tension letting go. Often within 15 seconds you will feel a sense of release.
Finally, uncross both ankles and wrists and place your fingertips together. Allow your hands to move in any way that they are drawn to: up-down, left-right, in-out, etc. These movements have a synchronizing effect on your brain waves.
Cellular Breath (breathing pattern)
This breath is done by breathing in and out through the nose and imagining that you are taking in energy and white light through the entire surface of your body and absorbing it into the cells, all the way down into your DNA. As you exhale imagine sending out that energy and white light from all your cells and radiating it out over the entire surface of your body. Receive energy and white light and radiate energy and white light.
Cerebral Hemispheres
The left and right Cerebral Hemispheres of the brain comprise 80% of the total brain matter. The cerebral cortex and basal ganglia (with the cerebellum) coordinate all body movements, and the left and right hemispheres control thinking and higher cognitive functioning.
According to the Ayurvedic tradition chakras are energy centers in the body. They are reservoirs of spinning energy that pulsate through out a person’s whole energy field. They provide vital energy for the optimal interaction between the physical, mental and emotional bodies and the spirit. The chakras act as transformers taking in the divine energy of the source and stepping it down so that it may be utilized by the body. They also receive and transmit frequencies in relation to the universal supply, receiving on the in-flow and transmitting on the out-flow.
Clear Vision Repatterning
“There are reasons why we don’t see clearly. Seeing clearly involves a life-change; it requires that we let go of our doubts and fears about doing, having and being more.
“We need to reconnect to our body, feelings, mind and spirit and own the whole of ourselves. At present we are aware of very little of ourselves: As we think or talk, how much awareness do we have of our body, our feelings, our mind, or spirit?
As we begin to resonate with clear vision, we maintain a greater awareness of ourselves. We no longer disconnect from our body and feelings. Ultimately, “clear vision” is only possible when the mind is controlled by sprit and is turned towards the divine. As long as less coherent patterns dominate our responses to life, our vision remains dimmed. As we resonate with coherence we have the vision, courage and energy to open ourselves to who and what we are.” Wordsworth, Chloe, “A New Vision,” p. 56, Sept. 2001.
If you think of a regular light bulb, the light it emits is soft and diffuse. The photons, or light particles, are not organized, but random – what physicists call non-coherent. In contrast, with a laser beam, the photons are highly organized and all moving in the same direction, so you get a very powerful energy source that can literally cut through matter. This is what physicists call coherence.
When the wave patterns that make up your body/mind/spirit system are coming together in an organized way (coherence) you experience more energy, joy, health, and well-being and automatically move towards what is life-enhancing for you.
Using Resonance Repatterning, we can create coherent patterns in your energy field, which you then experience as greater ease in manifesting what you want, whether it is greater prosperity, better health and relationships, more fulfilling work, a sense of relaxation and well-being, etc.
Color Filter Lenses
The Color Filter Lenses consist of 13 sets of colored filters that have been combined to create specific frequencies of color. For optimal health and well-being it is essential that you absorb the colors of the spectrum in the proper quantity. Negative beliefs, feelings and attitudes distort or inhibit your ability to absorb particular color wave lengths. If you cannot absorb a specific frequency, you are also unable to radiate that frequency. This lack of radiant color in your energy field impacts your energy level, your emotional well-being and your thinking. Wearing the Color Filter Lenses helps one to absorb and radiate the colors of the spectrum.
Color Filter Torch
The Color Filter Torch is a light plus 13 different color filters with frequencies from the Dinshah filter combination system. Each color has its own frequency and the light of the color filter torch transmits this color frequency into your energy field.
When there is non-coherence in the body/mind/spirit system specific color frequencies are not being absorbed or radiated. Using the Color Filter Torch transforms resonance by putting a specific frequency (a color) into your system to balance and energize the energy field to a higher state of coherence so that you experience greater well-being.
Communicating Needs Repatterning
“When we have entrainment and resonance with another person our only desire is to maintain that feeling of love and happiness at any cost. When conflict does occur, there is an inherent desire to return to our natural state of harmony. Without the tools for re-establishing entrainment and resonance we either settle for maintaining surface harmony by submission, suppression of our needs and denial of our needs, or we quarrel and fight to get our needs met at the risk of destroying entrainment and resonance. If our conflict interactions supersede our positive and loving interactions, entrainment and resonance may be destroyed permanently. So long as we choose these substitutes for genuine entrainment and resonance, each person will be left feeling empty and frustrated.
“In any close relationship, we have to confront things that upset us. What triggers our upset and pain in the present is a reflection of a life need from our past that was not met. The Repatterning for Communicating our needs allows us to face the fact of our needs openly, resolve the constricted feelings held in our body, and take responsibility for our own outmoded beliefs which underlie our upset and pain.
“Every time we resolve a confrontation for the benefit of both, love is strengthened. We can only create new possibilities for communicating what we need if we act from our present perception, rather than being driven by the unconscious patterns we developed when our needs were not met and when it wasn’t possible to communicate our needs directly.” Wordsworth, Chloe Faith, “Principles of Relationship” p.57 Copyright 2000.
Corpus Callosum
A bundle of nerve fibers between the left and right brain hemispheres that allow for the transmission of wave impulses between the two hemispheres and “brain integration.”
Cranial Holds
The cranial holds are light, energetic contacts that move the bones in the cranium, re-establishing the optimal flow of the cerebrospinal fluid. These holds harmonize the cranio-sacral rhythm that is created by the movement of cerebrospinal fluid through the ventricles of the brain and throughout the spinal cord. The cerebrospinal fluid is said to be the most highly vibrating energy in the human body. Accidents, shocks and emotional traumas can upset this rhythm.
Crown Chakra
Also called the Seventh Chakra, the Crown Chakra relates to your connection to the Divine and your capacity to integrate spirituality into your physical life. Crown Chakra qualities include being in touch with the infinite within your self, compassion, selfless service, acceptance, serenity and inner peace.
D (Note of)
The Note of D corresponds to the Pelvic Chakra, the color orange and the reproductive glands.
Gemstones associated with the Note of D: carnelian, moonstone, and tourmaline.
Essential Oils associated with the Note of D: petigrain, ylang ylang.
Coherent qualities are: I am quick/witty; I am multi-talented; I am flexible/light.
Personal Correlation: I express my emotions appropriately. I deal directly and actively with my complaints.
Decision Making Repatterning
The Resonance Repatterning (RR) model does not recommend using the muscle indicator tool (muscle checking) to make decisions. In RR we use muscle checking to check only for what you are resonating with.
If you are feeling indecisive, having trouble making decisions or look to someone else to make the “right” decision for you, we can use the RR process for positive change to identify what is causing this problem and shift your frequencies around that. Shifting your non-coherence around the decision making process, and the decision to be made, allows you to tune into what is for your highest and best.
Decision making is a complex and creative process and an art. The Decision Making Repatterning empowers you to enjoy making decisions actively, creatively and wisely for the benefit of all.
Delta Brain Waves
The lowest frequencies are delta. These are less than 4 Hz and occur in deep sleep and also during experiences of “empathy state”. Delta waves are involved with your ability to integrate and let go. We access information in our unconscious mind through delta. Delta brain waves provide personal radar and feelings at unconscious levels. Delta brain waves states are deeply meditative, peaceful, super-conscious, beyond the pain threshold. It is the dominant rhythm in infants up to one year of age and it is present in stages 3 and 4 of sleep.
Developmental Needs Affirmations
This modality draws from Jean Illsley Clark’s work. Ms. Clark describes six segments of time and stages of growth from infancy through adolescence with its corresponding needs, tasks, behaviors and affirmations. Chloe Wordsworth, who developed Resonance Repatterning, added a seventh stage: interdependence, the adult stage.
When these developmental needs are used as a Modality to Transform Resonance, imprinting the positive parental affirmation creates a higher level of well-being, energy and coherence.
This is a powerful modality for transforming resonance that diffuses a number of non-coherent frequencies from the mind/body/spirit system. In the vernacular, it’s a quick way to dump a lot of baggage!
Disharmonious Note and Octave
In the Resonance Repatterning process we are identifying frequency patterns that need to change in order to move to your next level of growth and experience optimum health and well-being.
Usually we use the language of words to symbolize these frequency patterns. When working with the Disharmonious Note and Disharmonious Octave Range we are using the language of numbers to symbolize the frequency pattern. With the Disharmonious Note and Disharmonious Octave Range we are identifying precise frequency patterns that happen to correspond to what we know as musical notes and the octaves of those notes. These disharmonious frequency patterns are holding your non-coherence in place. Shifting your resonance with these disharmonious frequency patterns will help to shift the other non-coherent frequency patterns that we have identified in the session.
Disrupted Energy Repatterning
This repatterning re-establishes the optimum flow of inward and outward moving energy through the chakras so that each chakra is expanding on the outward flow and contracting and relaxing on the inward flow. In essence it clears and optimizes the flow of energy through your chakras so that you feel more grounded, empowered, proactive, inspired and connected. In this state you are able to effortlessly move through the manifestation cycle to achieve your goals and realize your positive intentions. You’ll find that as your energy flows more freely so will your relationships, work and life in general.
Everyone has experiences in their lives that they are still resonating with energetically, even though the experience has long since past. When you still carry this resonance it affects your present life in some way. You can move out of resonance with having your basic life needs and/or spirit level needs met as a result of your earlier experiences. Based on your experiences, you come to conclusions about how the world works and what is possible for you in your life.
Holding this non-coherent resonance in your body/mind/spirit system can make it difficult foryou to release the past. Once you transform your non-coherent resonance it is easier to release the past’s hold and you begin to create your life from a different, more positive perspective. Releasing earlier experiences heals your inner child.
In a group repatterning, one person’s experience can proxy for the rest of the group, it is not necessary that each of participant has experienced the event. We are identifying the energy patterns that we all hold in common, regardless of how we came to move into phase with that resonance. The earlier experience may be the practitioner’s, one of the group participant’s, or a synthesis of more than one participant’s experience that symbolizes the non-coherent frequency pattern to be released.
This modality is from Paul and Gail Dennison’s “Brain Gyms” book. It’s great for when you have to mental functions such as working with numbers or balancing your check book.
How to:
Hold 2 fingers under your lower lip (there’s an acupuncture point there on your lower gums)
Rest the other hand on the upper edge of your pubic bone.
Relax and breathe the energy up the center of your body.
Earth Element
One of the Chinese Five Elements (see Five Elements), Earth Element strengths include gathering the harvest of your work, efforts and experiences; nurturing yourself and others, feeling secure, assimilating nutrients and integrating your experiences. It is about mothering, support, caring, being grounded, home, digestion, imagination, and natural cycles and transitions. The season of Late Summer corresponds to the Earth Element. The emotion of the Earth Element is sympathy.
Earth Element Repatterning
The frequency of the Earth Element is associated with the mother energy, the ideal mother who nurtures and cares for us, and who devotes herself selflessly to our needs. It is also associated with “mother earth,” who abundantly nurtures us with a harvest of plants, herbs, and fruits and brings us a sense of grounding, stability and security. And with “mother moon” who represents staying in touch with our feelings and intuition.
As you come into phase with the Earth element frequency, you are able to give and receive nurturance and supportive touch. You feel secure asking for what you want and need. You feel centered enough in yourself that if someone does not meet your needs you know that the refusal is not a reflection on you and that you can meet your own needs or receive support from others to do so.
With a harmonized Earth Element, you are able to draw in the rich harvest of your life experiences, knowledge and wisdom and bring this abundance to your relationships. Through the Earth Element, your relationships bring you back to your center, and you feel grounded, secure, stable and at peace, ready to handle life and its transitions with equilibrium.
A harmonized Earth Element allows you to nurture your relationship, to feed it regularly rather than to starve it or neglect it. When the Earth Element is ignored, your relationships become barren, and as happened with the Oklahoma dust bowl, we tend to walk away rather than correct the underlying cause of our difficulties.
“One of the qualities of the Earth Element involves transitions. If we are inundated with too many transitions and changes, our Earth may feel overwhelmed and become destabilized. If we are conscious of the strain transitions place on our Earth Element, we can receive and give nurturing support during these times of change. We can also do the Earth Element Repatterning to help us stay in phase with the Earth Element energy that gives us the power to be grounded and centered amidst life’s’ constant cycles of change.”
Wordsworth, Chloe Faith, “Principles of Relationship” p.102, August 2000 edition
Earth Frequency
The Earth is our home, our foundation and our stability. It imposes form and structure to things. It also relates to completions, endings and closure and integrating experiences and recycling into new beginnings at a higher level of awareness.
“The endorphin response is closely connected to the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) and parasympathetic nervous system (PNS). SNS endorphins bring a feeling of being alive, challenged, thrilled and excited. They are associated with activity, a positive self-image and optimism. When in excess these SNS endorphins can lead you to overwork, over-activity, over-exposure to danger or challenge. They can result in muscle tension, immune depression from exhaustion, stress, anxiety overwhelm and collapse, burnout and breakdown.
“PNS endorphins bring a sense of calm, relaxation and peaceful serenity. In excess you may become lethargic, depressed, inactive, be unable to get going,
and you can have a low self-image and be pessimistic.” Wordsworth, Chloe Faith, “A New Vision” pp.99-100, Sept. 2001.
Energy Constriction Release
The Energy Constriction Release (ECR) is a powerful Modality to Transform Resonance that releases emotional blocks held in your body and in your energy field that resulted from an earlier age when you were not able to communicate your needs, have them heard and get them met in the way that you needed. In the ECR you reconnect with the painful emotion that caused you to constrict the flow of your life energy and resolve the past communication. We then release the constriction through breath and movement, and then imprint a positive feeling and image in its place. This allows your life energy to flow freely, brings a greater sense of ease in your body and removes emotional triggers so that you can face situations with empowered choice rather than ingrained reactivity stemming from blocked negative emotions.
Energy Exchange Repatterning
Dr. Valerie Hunt, a research scientist on energy fields, talks about three types of energy exchanges between people:
1. A Reaction Exchange in which there is too much force or intensity, which results in predictable, automatic reactions, usually based on past survival responses. In reaction exchange minimal coherent energy is exchanged and growth is non-existent.
2. The Transaction Exchange in which people energetically select those frequencies they allow into their field. The discrimination enables them to protect their field from any frequencies they do not want to absorb. Because the transaction is based on protection and filtering, it does not support a full and free energetic expansion, and growth is limited.
3. The Interaction Exchange in which one energy field that is coherent streams out in expansion to merge with another’s coherent field, which is also streaming and expanding. In this energy exchange both fields expand and transformation occurs naturally.
The kind of relationship experienced whether with an acquaintance, colleague, friend, parent, child, spouse or partner is determined by the quantity and quality of energy streaming and merging between the two people. When the energy streams are coherent, the energy fields of both people expand in a way that would not be possible if the interaction had not occurred. This is why we long for relationship the interacting fields energize those involved and lead to a feeling of pleasure, harmony, joy and love.
The Energy Exchange Repatterning helps you to identify and transform what blocks the quantity and quality of your energy streaming and limits you to reaction and transaction exchanges. In this way you can move forward into an expansive, receptive way of being in all your relationships. As you expand your field through resonance with what is coherent, you automatically connect to whatever is coherent in another person.
Wordsworth, Chloe, Faith, “Energetics of Relationship” p. 49-50, 2003 edition.
“When unconscious patterns around bonding have been transformed, couples monitor their need for closeness and touch and their need for separation and exploration in a way that is spontaneous and natural. Like dolphins which play and touch much of the time but swim off alone whenever they have had a surfeit of closeness, we too can connect in deep bonding as well as move into independent separation. In this way bonding and separation become a means of balancing our parasympathetic nervous system which brings us calm and relaxation with our sympathetic nervous system, which brings us high activity, creative exploration and arousal. In this way bonding and separation lead to health, growth, loving relationships and internal balance.” Wordsworth, Chloe Faith, “Principles of Relationship, 2004 pp. 90-91.
Five Elements
The Chinese Five Element theory explains that everything in creation resonates with the frequencies of the Five Elements and each Element is characterized by specific qualities. Each Season of the year has its own coherent qualities that correspond to an Element. Also, each of the twelve meridians, or “energy flows” of the body also corresponds to one of the Five Elements.
The Five Elements are: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water
Five Element Sounds
These sounds relate to the Chinese Five Elements and are used in certain schools of Chi Kung to harmonize the five Yin meridians. To do the sounds take a deep breath and let the sound come out in a long drawn out tone.
Element Sound Meridian
Wood “Ssss” Liver Meridian
Fire “Haaa” &n bsp; Heart Meridian
Earth “Whoo” Spleen Meridian
Metal “Heee” L ung Meridian
Water “Shae” Kidney Meridian
Focus of Consciousness
The focus of consciousness is an entrainment at the level of a specific chakra, meridian or five element quality. When people or groups have the same focus of consciousness that they are in phase with, it brings a deep sense of connection that makes it possible for individuals to share themselves. It allows the individuals to feel heard, to listen to and experience the flow of creative input that excites and stimulates further thinking and sharing.
This is a powerful Modality for Transforming Resonance that fuses a number of coherent vibrations into our body/mind/spirit system.
G (Note of)
The note of G corresponds to the throat chakra and the color blue. On the physical level, the note of G corresponds to the thyroid, parathyroid, neurotransmitters, the bones, and the utilization of B vitamins.
Gemstones associated with the note of G are: aquamarine, turquoise and chalcedony.
Essential Oils associated with the note of G are: sandalwood, neroli and sage.
Some coherent qualities are: I am proud/independent; I listen to people with depth of understanding and sensitivity; I unearth any problem.
Personal Correlation: I cope effectively with stress and then deeply relax once more.
Gallbladder Meridian
The Gallbladder Meridian runs down the length of the entire body on the right and the left sides, from the forehead down to the tip of the little toe. It corresponds to the Wood Element in the ancient Chinese energy system. The Wood Element is about new beginnings, timing, vision, focus, goal setting, flexibility, decision making, judgment, reaching our potential, identity, and positive self assertion. The season of Spring also corresponds to the Wood Element and its strengths include new beginnings; staying in touch with our life force; optimism, and a willingness to start over.
A non-coherent frequency pattern that is passed down directly from one’s family lineage or from one’s past lives.
Geometric Frequency Repatterning
“All matter vibrates, emits sound and color and, in its movement, creates shape. When Swiss scientist Hans Jenny vibrated different sounds through drops of water or inert dust he was able to create spell-binding images and geometric patterns of extraordinary beauty and complexity.
“When vibrations lose their coherence, or their innate order, their sound becomes dissonant, their color dull and their shape asymmetrical. When dissonant sounds are vibrated through water, or dust, non-coherent, asymmetrical forms are created that quickly disintegrate even though the sound vibration continues. Harmonic sounds, or sounds of the harmonic series are vibrated through water or sand the sand vibrates in to forms that are coherent, symmetrical and maintain their form for as long as the sound continues.
“When your frequencies are coherent, or in phase, you experience health – a symmetrical pattern of order and harmony in yourself and in your relationships.
“Geometry transmits order and harmony. As Lawlor, author of Sacred Geometry writes, “The architecture of body existence is determined by an invisible, immaterial world of pure form and geometry.” The geometric shapes, known and used since ancient times, are spinning energy shapes of specific sound and color frequencies. These shapes have the potential to bring order or coherence.
“In the Geometric Frequency Repatterning, the dissonant pattern is identified and then this pattern is symbolically represented as a shape. The coherent geometric pattern encodes the information that the body-mind needs in order to make a quantum leap to a higher energy state of coherence. The final step, once you have the ideal geometric pattern, is to identify how it is to be energetically transmitted
to the body-mind system.
“The main thing to remember is that all disease starts and ends in the energy field. As Valerie Hunt points out in her lectures: if you have cancer in the field you can operate, but cancer will return. Only when you clear the cancer from the field will it return. We are moving into an age of complementarity, which will enable us to discover the frequency required in order to transform the patterns that underlie dissonance; to know how to transform the non-coherent sound, color and shape in the energy field to support self-healing. The Geometric Frequency Repatterning is an exploration in this possibility.
“Well-being is a state of love along with all the positive emotions that are aligned with love. Such emotional responses create alkaline ph in the physical body and coherence in the field. The intention of this repatterning is to support you in opening the flower of your heart, so you experience well-being and joy in all your life circumstances, however challenging they may be.” Wordsworth, Chloe Faith, “Energetics of Relationship” 2003, pp. 14-15.
Resonance Repatterning is not a spiritual path. I use the term God to represent the concept that we all come from the same energy source. The world’s spiritual traditions talk about this concept, and physicists recognize this as well when they describe the origin of the universe as starting with the big bang.
I invite you to substitute for the word God whatever word or phrase you use to describe this concept of a universal source of energy and matter, to suit your beliefs.
Gobbledygook Sounds
Nonsense sounds — words activate the left cerebral hemisphere. Creating non- word sounds activates the right cerebral hemisphere which is associated with feelings and relationships. This modality balances the left and right hemispheres.
Ha! Sound for Heart Connection
In the Chinese Acupuncture system and in Chi Kung, the sound of Haaaaa is associated with the Heart Meridian. Making this sound is considered to have a strengthening effect on the physical heart, as well as the emotional and mental levels of the Heart Meridian. This sound helps you reconnect to your loving heart energy.
HOW TO: Breathe deeply through your nose. Breathe out through your mouth with a long “Haaaaa!”
Hold your palms up or place one hand on your heart.
Feel your feet on the ground.
Again tone the “Ha!” sound on one long not exhaling with a long “Haaaaa!”
Notice feelings and sensations.
Harmonic Overtones
One characteristic of vibration is its harmonics. Harmonics, also called overtones, are all of the tones that sound simultaneously when one single note is played. Whenever you sing a single fundamental note, numerous harmonic tones are also sounding, though undetectable to the human ear. The harmonics are what give musical instruments their distinct sound qualities; it is the harmonics that let us know whether we are listening to a guitar or a violin.
The human voice has the ability, through harmonic overtoning, to create almost every frequency. The Throat Singers of Tuva are an example of making harmonic overtones.
When you make harmonic overtones with your voice, all of the sound reverberates through the space in your body, powerfully impacting your physical, emotional and mental vibrations.
The vowel sounds that we make with the Harmonic Overtones are said to activate specific areas of the body and have a beneficial effect on the chakras:
OO: the pelvic area
OR: the umbilical area
AH: The heart area
EH: the throat area
EE: The eye and head area
Harmonious Note and Octave
In the Resonance Repatterning process we are identifying frequency patterns that need to change in order to move to your next level of growth and experience optimum health and well-being.
Usually we use the language of words to symbolize these frequency patterns. When working with the Harmonious Note and Harmonious Octave Range we are using the language of numbers to symbolize the frequency pattern. With the Harmonious Note and Harmonious Octave Range we are identifying precise frequency patterns that happen to correspond to what we know as musical notes and the octaves of those notes. Holding this frequency pattern in your energetic system will help to shift the other frequency patterns that we have identified in the session.
Heart Chakra
Also known as the air chakra, the heart chakra has been called the powerhouse of the human energy system. It mediates between spirit and the body. It is associated with the emotion of love. Love is divine power and the true motivator of your body, mind and spirit. When the heart chakra is in balance you feel loved and loving, connected to others and enter into healthy, interdependent relationships.
Heart Entrainment
The Heart Entrainment is a powerful modality that allows you to let another person into your heart. When doing the Heart Entrainment by proxy, start by breathing deeply and slowly into your heart center. Imagine your heart opening like the petals of a flower. Then imagine letting the person with whom you need to entrain into your heart, drawing them in, closer and closer. This may take awhile so go slowly and at your own pace. You may feel some resistance or tension as you let them get closer. Honor your own pace and take it slowly.
This is a beautiful meditation that you can try with different people, especially those with whom you have difficulties or need to forgive.
Heart Protector Meridian
This meridian can be thought of as the guard at the palace gate who lets in “friends” and keeps out “foes.” When the Heart Protector Meridian is in balance, you are able to open your heart or protect yourself appropriately. When the Heart Protector Meridian is imbalanced this manifests as either shutting everyone out, including potentially healthy relationships, or conversely, allowing everyone in, including potentially unhealthy relationships.
The Heart Protector Meridian corresponds to the Fire Element.
Horary Points
These are the Five Element Acupuncture points on its own meridian, e. g. the fire point on a fire meridian. The Horary points are used to balance the daily time clock and seasonal energies of the meridians. Each meridian has a two-hour time period when it is at its high energy time and low energy time. The horary points correspond to the high energy time period.
As a Modality to Transform Resonance, humming vibrates the voice box from where sound is transmitted to the cervical bones in the neck. Bones conduct the vibration throughout the body, and particularly through the skull bones to the brain, which is recharged by coherent sounds.
How to:
Sit on the edge of a chair with your spine straight. Bring your chin in (rather than up) so your voice box (larynx) is close to your cervical vertebrae.
Inhale fully. As you exhale with a hum, slowly squeeze in your belly. The sound is so easy and effortless that it may continue for 15 – 60 seconds.
In Bert Hellinger’s Family Constellation work and in the Healing the Family System Repatternings an identification occurs when a member of the family system is excluded and another member makes room for him/her by repeating his/her same fate, taking on his/her traits or suffering for the same cause. This is all unconscious and is done for love of the family system. Block, Carin, “Healing the Family System” p. 198
Indigo (the Color)
The color indigo corresponds to the Brow Chakra.
Traditionally Held Beliefs About The Color Indigo:
Calms the thyroid; stimulates the parathyroid; reduces swelling; controls discharges and bleeding; has an anesthetic effect; relieves pain; contracts and therefore firms, tones and tightens skin; contracting properties also helps shrink swellings and unhealthy tumors.
Emotional Benefits: calming, sedative effect.
Inferior Oblique Eye Muscles
Located underneath the eyeball, these muscles control the shape of the eyeball and how light enters the eye and falls on the retina.
Infinity 8’s for Absorbing Photons (Light)
It is said that light is the major nutrient of the body/mind system. This modality helps to increase
the amount of light absorbed by the eyes and into the brain which moves the body to a higher level of energy and coherence.
How to:
Hold your head still while your eyes move in the direction of tracing infinity 8 sign in the air. It’s best to take off your glasses or contact lenses and do this outside in natural sunlight if possible, but not looking directly at the sun. Feel the light and the full spectrum of colors entering your brain and body through your eyes.
Inner Light Repatterning
There is an extraordinary story about the power of thinking well about others. A woman was in a car accident and found herself floating above her body. She saw a line of cars blocked by the accident, and she heard what the people in the cars were saying. Many of them were complaining about the traffic jam that her accident caused.
The woman then noticed a white light pouring out from a car and connecting to her. She found herself attracted to the car and inside someone was praying for her. The injured woman memorized the license plate and after she was discharged from the hospital she sent a letter thanking that person for their thoughts which helped reconnect her to the white light.
Thinking “well” does not mean that you suppress your negative thoughts and feelings. Rather, it means that you must identify what causes you to be cut off from your own light, which in turns leads you to think and feel badly about yourself and others, and to distance yourself from others. The most basic need we have is for the light of love. It is this light that keeps us connected to ourselves and all beings.
When you are unconscious about your negative thoughts, attitudes and feelings, without your even knowing it, it cuts you off from your inner light. Outwardly, the eye muscles tighten, which throws off the positioning of the eyes so they don’t point accurately – distorting the inflow of light from the outside. As a result, you feel out of touch with yourself; you feel distanced from others; you experience less joy and laughter; you absorb less “information” from the outside and the inside.
The Inner Light Repatterning looks at the attitudes that cut you off from your light and moves you into resonance with the attitudes and actions that connect you to light and support you in radiating your light.
Integration for Growth Repatterning
Sometimes when you shift your frequencies to a higher level the change feels unfamiliar, so your system retreats back to your old patterns to which you’ve become accustomed. Even though you know this old way of being no longer serves you, and you are ready to spiral upward, it feels comfortable and familiar – it feels like home. Sometimes you have identified with the old way of being for so long that your system feels a void without it.
The Integration for Growth Repatterning supports you in maintaining your higher level of coherence and clears your underlying fears and doubts that drive your system to retreat back to the familiar, yet outdated patterns.
Integrating to a higher level of well-being can bring up fears that others won’t accept the “new you” or that if you change, this will mean that you have to move away from your “tribe.” Sometimes we may feel that our loved ones identify with our old way of being and will not adjust to our new, higher level.
In fact, it is we who are resonating with our loved ones having a problem with our positive change. We must transform our own non-coherent frequencies in relation to our expectations of others’ negative response to us and their lack of acceptance of our change.
Integration Process for Completions
Taking a moment to pause and bring closure from one activity to the next orients you to having completions for each phase of your day, and in your relationships, so you can move into new beginnings and your next task with a higher level of energy. This integration process for completions helps you to let go of regrets and to open your heart with appreciation.
It only takes a few moments and can be done throughout your day, while sitting at your desk, when you have completed a project or task, with your family or partner at the end of your day, or with colleagues at the end of a meeting.
How to:
Take a pause whenever you have completed something and before you move into your next activity:
Close your eyes.
Breath slowly and deeply through your nose.
As you breathe out, relax each part of your body, beginning with your head, your eyes, mouth and jaw. Relax your shoulders, your arms and your hands. Relax your torso – chest, lungs, abdomen and back — legs, ankles and feet. Check in with your body and relax any areas that are holding tension or pain.
Bring your attention to your heart and as you breathe in, receive love. As you breathe out, expand your love to those around you, your family, your group, your community and the world. When you feel ready open your eyes, take as long as you need.
Ask yourself, “What do I appreciate about what I have just completed? ” “What have I learned that is new or important for me?”
Now get in touch with any regrets that you have. Accessing your regrets can help you learn the lesson of the regret and sharing your regret helps to dispel the tension that holding regrets can cause and orient you to love once more. You don’t have to come up with a solution when sharing your regrets with someone else, just listening with love as someone names their regret opens the space for great healing.
After sharing your regrets take a deep breath and exhale with a “ha! ”
Life is energy in motion. Now get up and move, stretch, or dance.
Intention for a New Possibility
“It is a fact that intention moves sub-atomic particles. As experienced in research experiments where the observer’s intention affects the outcome of the experiment, so our intentions or lack of intention, affect the outcomes we experience in our life. Too often our experience is limited because we fail to create empowered intentions for ourselves, and even if we have intentions, too often we are out of phase with them. Intention is an aim that determines actions and outcomes. This makes it clear that if we want dynamic outcomes we must start with vital intentions. In the apparent “chaos” of our problems and life circumstances we tend to limit our vision of what is possible for us. In any situation, however challenging, there is always a coherent new possibility that can move us to a higher level of well-being. In the chaos of our daily problems and living, we tend to be unaware that we can open ourselves to a new possibility or that we can move into phase with the possibilities we do have so they manifest as our reality.
If our intentions are confused we experience confused actions and outcomes. If our intentions are based on non-coherent patterns from our past painful experiences, we will go into non-coherent actions and continue to experience non-coherent outcomes.
Getting clear about our intentions and then resonating with them is an essential first step for empowered outcomes. Learning to see the new possibility in every situation changes the angle of our vision so we immediately access a higher level of consciousness. Instead of living our life from the point of view of our problems,we begin to live our life from our new possibilities for growth and purpose.” (Chloe Wordsworth, “Primary Patterns,” pp. 61-62. )
This is what Resonance Repatterning is all about! It is an empowering tool for identifying our new possibilities and it moves us into phase (resonance) with them. It also identifies those areas in our lives where we are reacting to our out-moded patterns, and shifts out of resonance with them. This allows us to act in our highest and best in every situation.
Inward Moving Energy Disruption
The inward movement of energy through the chakras allows you to recharge yourself before your energy pulsations expand outward once more.
When the energy pulsation is disrupted so that it cannot flow inward to the chakra to be recharged, you can feel off center. You may feel spaced out, exhausted or find yourself on the receiving end of others’ negative talk, anger or even abuse, or you may find yourself always listening while others do the talking.
When the disruption is not addressed you develop compensating actions to try to move the energy inward. But these compensating actions fail to bring relief and create further complications such as taking in food, liquids or addictive substances.
When the inward moving energy is disrupted at the level of the Heart Chakra you may feel possessive or disconnected and aloof in relationships. When it is at the level of the Pelvic Chakra you may find ourself being used by others to satisfy their own needs.
Jupiter (the Planet)
As the largest planet in our solar system, Jupiter is associated with expansion, growth, optimism, aspirations, higher thought and understanding. Jupiter is also associated with good fortune and has been called the lucky planet. Jupiter governs joy, luck and wellbeing. In mythology, Jupiter was the king of the gods. This masculine planet provides superb opportunities for expansion and success. Poorly aspected, he generates over-confidence and foolhardy actions with little care for the consequences.
Katsugen is a Japanese word. It is movement that comes from within that helps to release the non-coherent energy patterns that block the flow of our life’s energy. By tuning into the body we can allow it to move on its own to release blocks. In other words, Katsugen means letting the body decide what movement it wants to make instead of having the brain decide what movement it thinks the body needs. Katsugen movements are spontaneous, inner-directed movements that the body makes to self-correct.
Kidney Meridian
The Kidney Meridian is the storehouse of all that we bring to life, inherited through the family generations – our vital essence, the wellspring of life that we receive from our ancestors. It is associated with power, resilience, drive, willpower, resourcefulness and wisdom. It is the storehouse of these energy resources that enables us to manifest our potential in the world.
The Kidney Meridian runs down the front of the body on the left and right sides, from the clavicle to in between the second and third toes. It corresponds to the Water Element in the ancient Chinese energy system. Water Element strengths include going deep within and recharging our energies. The Water Element is about perseverance, ambition and directing our energy, empowerment, going with the flow, adaptable, calm, clear thinking, depth, courage, boundaries, responsiveness and reflective (how we respond to circumstances, deep listening and our ability to reflect and perceive the deeper meaning in things), soothing, and the ability to contain our energy, wealth, power and hold some in reserve so that we do not go into depletion. The season of Winter corresponds to the Water Element. The emotion of the Water Element is fear.
Large Intestines Meridian
The balanced Large Intestine Meridian gives us the capacity to let go of everything that has no value: negative attitudes, resentments, expectations, lack of forgiveness or grudges. It also gives us the ability to hold on to what does have value.
The Large Intestines Meridian runs down the left and right side of the body, from the side of each nostril, down the neck and arm, to the tip of the pointer finger. It corresponds to the Metal Element which strengths include being able to let go and complete projects, relationships, etc. and connecting to spirit. The Metal Element relates to our values and our sense of self-worth. It is about inspiration, respect, fathering, perfection, purity, divine purpose, money, appreciation and acknowledgment, and truth. The season of Autumn corresponds to the Metal Element. The emotion of the Metal Element is grief.
Laughing Breath
This is a Modality to Transform Resonance. The power of laughter is tremendous. It produces endorphins which stimulate the immune system and relieve pain. When we laugh together, we automatically bond with each other. Laughter opens the heart to love, creating relaxation and happiness.
Doing this breath may be difficult as first, but the more you do it, the easier it gets. Whether the laughter is genuine or forced doesn’t matter, you will still get the same physiological and emotional benefits. And the more you do this, the more joy and humor will return to your life.
Basically, this breath is what it sounds like. Take a deep breath and let out a strong, but slow, “Ha! ha! ha!,” squeezing in the belly with each Ha. Keep doing this, making the “Ha! Ha! Ha’s!” faster and faster. You can throw your head back on the inhale and double over on the exhale, slapping your thighs. It helps to look in the mirror if you’re alone, or if you’re with someone look at each other.
Limbic System
The Limbic System regulates eating, drinking, sleeping, waking, body temperature, heart rate, blood pressure, chemical balance and hormone levels. It is also involved with emotions and motivational states such as: rage, fright, aggression, hunger, sexual arousal and thirst. Our limbic responses can overwhelm rational thought and neutralize rational modes of thinking.
The limbic system also plays a vital role in thinking processes, transferring incoming information into memory. Memory is only retrieved when it has an emotional charge to it. The limbic system controls this emotional content. It also checks incoming sensory information and compares it to past experience.
Liver Meridian
Part of the Chinese acupuncture system. The Liver Meridian starts at the ninth rib on the left and right sides of the body and runs down the inside of both legs, ending at the big toe. It corresponds to the Wood Element in the ancient Chinese energy system. The Wood Element is about new beginnings, timing, vision, focus, goal setting, flexibility, decision making, judgment, reaching our potential, identity, and positive self assertion. The season of Spring also corresponds to the Wood Element and its strengths include new beginnings; staying in touch with our life force; optimism, and a willingness to start over.
Love Fusion
This part of the Fusion process is a way to fuse into the body/mind/spirit system love, appreciation and forgiveness for self and/or others. In the blanks ( ) insert the name(s) of the people for whom you are fusing in love. In addition to its power when used during the Fusion process, this is a nice meditation to read through slowly to help open your heart and bring more love into your energy field.
“Remember appreciation of ( ) leads to love and when there is love you are free of all pain because you then forgive and forget.
Deeply feel some kind of appreciation for ( ). Breathe it in. Expand with love and appreciation; feel yourself floating in love.
Once there is love you no longer know who is the giver and who is the receiver. There is only love. Deeply appreciate every aspect of yourself, all of your life experiences, of ( ), of all people and of God. Allow this love which is who you are at your core, to evaporate all pain and all negativity, as easily as the sun evaporates the morning mist.” Wordsworth, Chloe Faith, “Rainbow Book” 2002
Magenta (the Color)
Traditionally Held Beliefs About Magenta: balancing effect on the blood pressure, nourishes the kidneys, adrenals, heart & circulation system. Can be used to bring balance for most disorders of the energy system.
Emotional Benefits: balances emotions.
“The stimulus we receive, based on our memory -imprint, reinforces our “chosen” perspective and activates our brain response. For instance, a cat shows no brain response to the regular ticking of a metronome as long as a mouse is placed next to the metronome. Suppressive neurotransmitters screen out whatever information is uninteresting and filters in what is absorbing or threatening. We remember what is absorbing or threatening and this memory imprint determines our future responses.
“The brain receives information in the form of images – in fact, it is said that more than 80% of the information we assimilate comes to us through our eyes. Problems arise when we are locked into negative images from the past. We filter in what is absorbing or threatening, based on these life- depleting memory images that we resonate with. If we change these life-depleting memory images, we would be able to broaden our range of responses and what we filter in.
“Positive change occurs when we transform our perception. By changing our awareness of things we create a new world for ourselves – a different reality. Perception is our understanding of things; it is the meaning we give to what we see, hear, feel, smell and taste based upon our experience. This meaning, understanding or perception activates the release of neuropeptides, which result in a stress response of tension, anxiety, fear, doubt, depression, guilt and loneliness, or in a relaxation response of cheerfulness, joy and euphoria. These responses determine our level of expansion into life or contraction away from life; they determine whether we breathe or inhibit our breath; these responses control the contraction or relaxation of eye, face, and body muscles and therefore how much movement is possible to us (free-flowing or limited). Because our responses constrict or relax our muscles, they also regulate the amount of light (photons are energy) that we absorb and radiate. It is light, movement and breath that make vision – and life – possible.
“Life is energy – frequencies of light and sound – in motion. Our perception (the meaning we give to what we experience), controls the light and sound frequencies we resonate with. If we attach a negative, life-depleting meaning to an experience, we have little life energy; if we attach a positive, life-enhancing meaning, we have an abundance of life energy. Memory governs all our perceptions: every sensation is compared to remembered sensations from our past experiences. If we want to change our perceptions and the level of our life energy, we must look to the memories held in the imagination that created them.” Wordsworth, Chloe, Faith, “A New Vision” pp. 87-89, Sept. 2001.
Mercury (the Planet)
In mythology, Mercury was the messenger. Mercury governs communication and represents non-emotional, highly rational, objective thought. As a planet Mercury moves quickly through its cycle and its attributes are flexibility, responsiveness and adaptability.
Mercury rules perception, language, writing, editing, research, speaking, learning experiences and learning styles, and the assessment of data. It governs telecommunications, computing, software, electronic gadgets, the postal service, shipping, couriers, and all forms of transportation. When Mercury goes retrograde it can adversely affect communication.
Physical Correlations: respiratory organs, skin, shoulders, digestion, arms, hands, blood vessels, nervous system.
Personal Correlations: “I communicate effectively; I am intelligent; I am versatile.”
The meridians are channels for the flow of our vital energy (chi) and can be thought of as the electrical wiring of our energy system. There are twelve meridians, and each meridian plays a unique and essential role in controlling our physical, emotional and mental functioning. When all twelve of our meridians are functioning optimally, our mind/body/spirit system is working in balance and we experience total health and well-being in all areas of our life. If there is an interruption in the flow of energy through just one meridian, this can disrupt our entire meridian system, creating imbalances, which manifest as problems in our life.
Acupuncture is based on the meridian system using needles to tap into the different points on the meridians to re-establish the flow of energy.
Metal Element
One of the Chinese Five Elements (see Five Elements), Metal Element strengths include being able to let go and complete projects, relationships, etc. and connecting to spirit. The Metal Element relates to our values and our sense of self-worth. It is about inspiration, respect, fathering, perfection, purity, divine purpose, money, appreciation and acknowledgment, truth. The season of Autumn corresponds to the Metal Element. The emotion of the Metal Element is grief.
Modality to Transform Resonance
A modality to transform resonance (MTR) is a way to put a energy into our body/mind/spirit system to shift what we are resonating with. It bring us into energetic alignment with the coherent (positive) statements that have been identified in the session and out of alignment with the non-coherent (negative) statements that have been identified in the session.
Resonance Repatterning is a synthesis of many healing systems and the modalities we use are taken from these various disciplines. Some examples of MTR’s are using sound by toning, tuning forks, harmonic overtones, etc.; color and light, movement, breath work, essential oils, flower essences, working with Acupuncture points, jin shin energy locks, cranial contacts, polarity contacts, working with the chakras, etc.
Using the muscle checking is the key to knowing which MTR is the best one for shifting the energy patterns that are identified in each Resonance Repatterning session. Without the muscle checking the choice of MTR would be random, an educated guess or based on an intuitive sense, all of which are susceptible to error. The muscle checking allows the practitioner to identify exactly which MTR the client/group is needing in that moment to shift their resonance. An MTR that is called for during one session may not be the most effective MTR to use in a subsequent session. This is why the muscle checking is so important. It ensures that the client/group gets exactly what is needed in each session, and eliminates any guess work.
The Moon
The Moon stimulates the imagination, the instincts and humanitarianism. It symbolizes the self reflected to and from the public, the feminine element, the home and the emotions. The Moon rules body fluids including blood, water, lymph as well as the earth fluids of rivers, streams and oceans.
Correlations: breast/chest, female sexual organs, body fluids.
Wordsworth, Chloe, “Modalities to Transform Resonance” p. 14.
Movement for Life Repatterning
Life is energy in motion. The eyes are the major access point for light (photons or energy) entering the system from the outside. Light stimulates the brain, which in turn activates the six hundred muscles of the body. Without light, there is no movement. On the other hand, without movement, there is no inflow of light. It is estimated that if all of the minute saccadic movements of the eyes were to stop, vision would cease within three seconds. Light and movement are mutually interdependent.
The two eyes function best on a horizontal plane. When the body moves into tension and asymmetries, the horizontal plane is distorted, incoming light is inhibited and visual stress results. The feedback loop goes in both directions: visual stress inhibits the flow of light, which causes body tension and loss of free movement. Tension and asymmetries inhibit eye movements and cause an imbalance in the horizontal plane.
This Movement for Life Repatterning identifies and transforms the negative resonance beliefs and feelings that interfere with and inhibit our natural, spontaneous, life-energizing movements and our vision.
Wordsworth, Chloe, “A New Vision” p. 67-68.
Mu Points
These are special Acupuncture points that powerfully activate the coherent energy of each meridian with all its characteristic qualities.
Muscle Checking
Muscle checking, more commonly called Kinesiology, is a form of biofeedback that gives us access to the wisdom of your entire body/mind/spirit system. Using the strength or weakness of a muscle as a response, we can identify the non-coherent wave patterns (earlier experiences, limiting beliefs and perceptions) that we are resonating with and the coherent wave patterns that we are not resonating with (intentions, goals, and aspirations.)
Oftentimes, your non-coherent patterns are hidden from your consciousness. Muscle checking is a way to by-pass the censoring of the mind. It taps into the deep inner knowing of your entire body/mind/spirit system.
Muscle Checking is a binary response system that gives one of two answers, which, in Resonance Repatterning, we call ON or OFF. By asking a series of questions and using the muscle checking to get the response from your entire system, not just the conscious brain, we can zero in on exactly what you need to make lasting, positive change. Through muscle checking, RR gets to the heart of any problem, whether physical, emotional, mental or on the spirit level.
Neptune Frequency
Neptune is the archetype of the ocean and the ocean of the unconscious. Neptune can undermine clarity; it corresponds to confusion, the chaos of emotions, self-deception, and misunderstanding. Neptune also represents spirituality, transcendence and the dissolution of mind and matter.
Correlations: adrenals, feet
I am intuitive; I am a healer; I have compassion for all beings.
Cycles Per Second (cps): 211.44
Orange (the Color)
The Color Orange corresponds to the Pelvic Chakra.
Traditionally Held Beliefs About Orange: stimulates the lungs, thyroid, growth of bone, milk production, spleen, appetite and mental activity. Activates potassium for acid/alkaline balance.
Emotional Benefits: self confidence, happiness, serenity, certainty, uplifting.
Everything in the Universe is made up of vibrating wave patterns of energy, including ourselves. Our every thought, emotion, word, and belief has its own unique frequency pattern. When these vibrating frequencies are disorganized or not coming together in an organized, unified pattern, we call this non- coherence. The problems and limitations that we experience in our lives are the manifestations of non-coherent frequency patterns in our energy system. Click here for information on the origins of non-coherence.
Orientation is essential because when you are oriented you know where you are, where you are going and how to get there. You automatically move towards that which supports you, making life-enhancing decisions and maintaining our center of equilibrium in the face of challenges. When you are disoriented we move into fear, doubt, frustration and anger.
Many of us have moved out of phase with some aspect of orientation at a very early age: at conception when our presence went unnoticed by our parents, during the womb experience if our parents did not welcome our coming with joy, during the birth process if we did not feel in control the timing of our birth (induced labor, caesarean birth), if drugs were given to our mothers during labor, and right after birth if we were whisked away from our mothers for cleaning, weighing and tests.
The orientation section of the Resonance Repatterning process re-sets your inner compass so you naturally move toward what supports and nurtures you and move away from what does not.
Orientation to Self
You may be surprised to hear that sometimes you are not resonating with being yourself in the present moment. This often happens if you are focusing on a problem that you are having with another. You may move into phase with being that person. Also, if you are thinking of the past or projecting yourself out into the future you can move out of phase with being 100% present here and now. It is said that the point of power is always in the present moment, so bringing yourselfback into phase with being yourself and 100% present here and now allows you to access your full power for deliberate co-creation. This energizes you and you experience the vitality of bringing your full creative, life force to all of your activities.
Outward Energy Movement Disruption
The outward movement of energy through the chakras nourishes the body/mind/spirit system.
When the energy of a chakra is disrupted on its outward flow there is a build up of pressure which may manifest in a variety of actions or behaviors that seek to move something out or discharge the energy. This may manifest as anger, excessive talking, or an excessive need for movement through running or sports, even jittery legs that cannot keep still.
If the disruption is not corrected you can develop compensating actions to try to move the energy outward. But these compensating actions fail to bring relief and create further complications.
Each chakra has its own consequences to a blocked outward pulsation. For example, if the outward movement is blocked in the Pelvic Chakra, you may feel repressed or need to use others to satisfy sexual needs. At the level of the Earth Chakra, you may find themselves using others to feel secure. The blocked outward flow may reflect in the use of addictive substances such as cocaine or any substance that stimulates adrenaline activity.
Parasympathetic Nervous System (PNS)
This is the part of your nervous system that allows you to relax and enjoy life again after dealing with a threat. Activating the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) response allows for relaxation and bonding. The PNS impacts your ability to feel safe, calm and nurtured and to know that your survival needs are taken care of as you go through life’s changes.
Pause for Centering
Taking a pause is one of the most powerful ways to re-center yourself. Use it when you are beginning any new phase of your day, or when you feel upset or disoriented. Even in an argument you can say, “Let’s take a pause.” If you are feeling rushed or overwhelmed, take a pause. If a friend is upset say, “Let’s slow down and take a pause.” You can do a pause for centering silently whenever you need it, in a few seconds, or if you have more time, in a few minutes.
How to:
Take a pause whenever you have completed something and before you move into your next activity:
Breath slowly and deeply through your nose. Let your ribs and belly expand as you breathe in, and let them relax inward as you breathe out. Do this rhythmic breathing until if flows easily and naturally.
As you breathe out, relax each part of your body, beginning with your head, your eyes, mouth and jaw. Relax your shoulders, your arms and your hands. Relax your torso – chest, lungs, abdomen and back — legs, ankles and feet. Check in with your body and relax any areas that are holding tension or pain.
Bring your attention to your heart and as you breathe in, receive love. As you breathe out, expand your love to those around you, your family, your group, your community and the world. When you feel ready open your eyes, take as long as you need.
When you feel ready, you can open your eyes. Look around the space you are in and feel comfortable and relaxed. If you are with others, make eye contact and feel supported by their loving presence. You may want to share one word that describes how you are feeling now.
Pelvic Chakra
Also called the Second Chakra and the Water Chakra, this chakra is your center of personal power, creativity, sexuality, and finances. Issues of physical survival, control and one-on-one relationships are at the core of this energy center.
Issues associated with this chakra are fear of loss of control or being controlled through events such as addiction, rape, betrayal, impotence, financial loss or abandonment by partner or colleagues, ability to take risks, personal identity, blame, guilt, money, sex, power, control, creativity, ethics, honor in relationships, decision-making ability, power to rebel.
The color associated with the Pelvic Chakra is Orange; the musical note is D.
Pentatonic Modes
A pentatonic mode is a musical scale of 5 notes. Each mode has specific intervals (the space between the notes) occurring at a pre-determined place in the scale. Pentatonic modes have a relaxing and stimulating effect. According to Fabian Maman, the pentatonic modes have a direct effect on the spine and activate memories. Dr. Hans Jenny, the developer of Cymatics, vibrated sounds through sand and discovered that it took five notes to create three-dimensional shapes.
The pentatonic modes often include the interval of the fifth, which is thought to activate creative potential, a sense of expansion and joy and to stimulate the movement of chi life-energy. The fifth is traditionally associated with the boundary between the inner “heavenly” and outer “worldly” environments, supporting the expression of the heavenly in daily life.
Peppermint Essential Oil
According to the Young Living essential oils company, peppermint is a digestive aid that brings relief for occasional acid indigestion. The fragrance boosts stamina and helps restore mental alertness or wakefulness from fatigue or drowsiness. Peppermint essential oil is also helpful for muscle pain not associated with disease.
Personal Coherence
Personal Coherence occurs when we have personal strengths that we are in phase with. These personal qualities are a part of who we are and what we bring to our life and experiences. They determine our attitude and responses to our life circumstances. Chloe Wordsworth, “Transforming Meridian Patterns” p. 176.
Planetary Frequencies
Everything in creation is made of vibrating wave patterns of energy, including you, and including the planets. Each of the planets has its own characteristic frequencies, both coherent and non-coherent. As individuals, we move into resonance with the planetary frequencies and this affects us in our daily lives. Using the Resonance Repatterning process for positive change, you can shift out of resonance with a planet’s non-coherent frequencies and into resonance with its coherent frequencies, thereby creating more harmony in your life.
Pluto (the Planet)
Pluto governs transformation in individuals and in the collective. It represents the death necessary for rebirth, the ultimate in transformation. It also rules obsessive behavior and compulsions. Pluto rules all that is hidden and drives bringing to light what has remained concealed. Its message is love realized through self awareness.
An area of the reptilian brain that neurally links the cerebellum to the cerebral cortex.
Positive Action
An important principle of energy work is that the power of the work is significantly increased by taking some kind of action in the world that demonstrates your commitment to positive change. Positive Actions are things that you can do after the session to anchor and maintain the shifts that the session has brought about. When you do the positive actions do them with joy and the intention that you are shifting your energy to a higher state.
Problems into Opportunities
In Newtonian Physics there is a principle that states an object in motion will continue in a straight line until an external force moves it in another direction. You can think of your problems as that external force that is prompting you to move in another direction, rather than continuing on in the same non- coherent patterns.
The common response is to perceive these external forces as “problems” because they are prompting you to make a change, which you may be resisting. Yet, the problems you experience in the present are signs that you’ve outgrown your old patterns and are ready to move to a higher level.
When you identify and shift your frequency patterns that are underlying the problem, you can then see the opportunity that your problem holds. You can approach the problem from a higher perspective and maintain your equilibrium. You can view the situation as an interesting challenge that you can meet, rather than feeling overwhelmed by the “problem.” From this higher perspective, life becomes interesting and fun!
Purple (the Color)
Traditionally Held Beliefs About the Color Purple:
Stimulates the activity of the veins; calms activity of the arteries; relieves headaches; good for insomnia; lowers blood pressure; calms overactive kidneys and adrenals; decreases menstrual pain.
Emotional Benefits:
Calms the emotions.
Quantum Healing Codes
The quantum healing codes are a Modality to Transform Resonance. These codes are intervals of frequencies with mathematical and geometric significance and are based on an ancient scale of six musical notes. These intervals of musical notes correspond to sacred geometry, the geometric patterns of creation, each of which contains a unique vibrational frequency.
Reaction Repatterning
“Because all reactions begin in the mind, your beliefs -both conscious and unconscious-are the primary cause of your emotional responses. For example, someone who saw a boy killed by a snake later saw a piece of rope in a thorn bush and, believing it to be a snake, fainted in terror. When you superimpose emotionally-charged images from the past onto a present benign situation, a strong reaction follows.
The impact you have on another is determined by the power and quality of the thoughts and emotions you are broadcasting, and the receptivity of the one who is receiving your broadcast. Through resonance, one person is tuned to another’s band or rate of vibration, which allows for easy transmission of thoughts and emotions. If the wavelength or band is coherent, both persons benefit. If the wave-length is non- coherent, or de-energizing, because of negative thoughts and feelings at the level of any chakra, both people suffer and the relationship spirals down into misunderstandings and mutually inflicted hurts.
The Reaction Repatterning aims to support the upward spiral of relationships by encouraging you to take responsibility for your own reactions and resistance, to set clear boundaries and to express your inherent vibrancy of joy and love.” Wordsworth, Chloe Faith, “Energetics of Relationship” pp. 134-136, November, 2003.
Realization Coherence
Realization Coherence is the ability to use your knowledge, technical ability, learning, awareness and understanding to come a higher perspective in relation to an issue you are facing or an event in your life.
When we have a high degree of Realization Coherence we are able to see the deeper meaning in our experiences and connect to the synchronicities that weave through our lives.
Red (the Color)
Traditionally Held Beliefs About Red: generates blood platelets; purifies & rejuvenates the blood; counteracts x-rays & ultraviolet burns, debility; benefits the liver.
Emotional Benefits: for depression, inspires courage.
Relationship Intention Repatterning
“Every wire is an inductor, inducing current into the electrical circuit. As the current flows through a coil of the wire, it creates a magnetic field. The more coils, the bigger the magnetic field that can be created.
“Intentions that you resonate with are like coils of wire, capable of creating a magnetic field of attraction. When couples take their vows of marriage in the sacred space of temples and churches these vows, or intentions – if the two persons are resonating with them – create a current flow and magnetic field that can strengthen and energize the two through the ups and downs of their relationship.
“An intention is an aim or purpose that guides actions or outcomes, and each intention has its own frequency wave pattern. If your frequency field resonates with the frequency wave pattern of your intentions, then you have the capacity to manifest your intentions in reality. If you do not resonate with our intentions – no matter how positive they may be – you will either not manifest them in your life or you will have to expend enormous energy, often ploughing through stress and struggle, to make them a reality.
“Although your intentions induce energy into the relationship circuit, your unconscious negative beliefs inevitably oppose what you want. Therefore, if you want powerful, positive outcomes in your relationships, you need to clear the non-coherent beliefs and attitudes that undermine your positive intentions.
“The Relationship Repatterning looks at the power of your intentions to induce current flow into your relationship circuit, and works with the polarization between negative and positive charges that allows for current flow. It also looks at the negative beliefs and actions that may be sabotaging your most loving relationships, leading to a loss of happiness and creating unnecessary suffering.” Wordsworth, Chloe Faith, “Holographic Repatterning Energetics of Relationship” p. 35, c. 2003.
Reptilian Brain
The reptilian brain is that part of our brain which is the survival center and causes us to react in the survival modes of fight/flight/collapse. The reptilian brain has coherent and non-coherent aspects. On the coherent side, it is that part of our brain which governs our survival instincts. For example it’s the reptilian brain that makes us reflexively take our hand away from the hot stove. It is that part of our brain which mobilizes our energy in times of danger, e. g., it is the reptilian brain that gives the mother a rush of adrenaline and superhuman strength to lift the car off of her toddler.
On the non-coherent side, unresolved reptilian brain responses cause a constant re-activating of past out-dated responses that are rarely appropriate in the present. When we are stuck in an unresolved reptilian brain response we are unable to activate the parasympathetic nervous system response which allows for relaxation and bonding.
Unresolved reptilian brain responses continue to be re-activated in the present so that we keep reacting to past “danger” that is no longer present and go into the habitual hyper- arousal or collapse response that this re-activation causes.
When we resolve these reptilian brain responses we can respond appropriately to present events, release the stress and then deeply relax once more.
The reptilian brain is the survival center and causes us to react in the survival modes of fight/flight/collapse. Unresolved reptilian brain responses cause a constant re-activating of past out-dated responses that are rarely appropriate in the present. When we are stuck in an unresolved reptilian brain response we are unable to activate the parasympathetic nervous system response which allows for relaxation and bonding.
This repatterning resolves the earlier reptilian brain response that is being re-activated in the present so we do not have to keep reacting to past “danger” that is no longer present and go into the habitual hyper-arousal or collapse response that this re-activation causes. We can now respond appropriately to present events, release the stress and then deeply relax once more.
Root Chakra
Also called the First Chakra, Base Chakra or Earth Chakra, the Root Chakra relates to your sense of physical security and your ability to provide for life’s necessities. It also relates to your sense of belonging to your family or group. It is the last phase of the chakra life-cycle — the phase where you let your creations go into physical manifestation. As such it relates to your ability to let go and allow yourself to cycle back into new beginnings.
The color red is associated with the Root Chakra, as well as the note of C.
Saccadic Eye Movements
Frequent, rapid, micro-movements performed by the eye muscles that assist the eyes in focusing upon details.
Sacral Breathing
Breathing into the pelvis; feel the pelvis and sacrum move as you breathe. This clears and balances the Pelvic Chakra.
Saturn (the Planet)
Saturn is the planet of concentration, permanence, tangible rewards, tenacity, ambition, and productivity. Saturn also rules caution, delay, constriction, limitation, responsibility, rules and regulations, pain, fear, authority, discipline, control and denial. Saturn manifests thoughts and feelings into objective reality.
To the ancients, Saturn represented man’s time on earth, his ambition, wisdom toward fulfillment, disappointments and frustrations. Saturn is a heavy, dense planet and correlates to the base structure – from bones, hair, nails, teeth, spine and skull to the organizational hierarchy of companies.
Personal Correlations:
“I am disciplined; I use life’s lessons for my greater good; I have a healthy awareness of my limitations.”
Seasonal Repatternings
The Chinese Five Element theory explains that everything in creation resonates with the frequencies of the Five Elements and each Element is characterized by specific qualities. Each season of the year has its own coherent qualities that correspond to an Element. Also, each of the twelve meridians, or “energy flows” of the body also corresponds to one of the Five Elements. As you move through the yearly cycle of seasonal changes, your meridians may become stressed or imbalanced.
Having a Seasonal Repatterning at the change of each season ensures that you move into phase with the coherent qualities of that season and its corresponding Element, thereby experiencing balance throughout the year. When you are resonating with the coherent frequency patterns of each Element, you will experience these coherent seasonal qualities within yourself and your relationships. When you are out of resonance with the frequency patterns of the Elements, you will lack these seasonal strengths.
Spring corresponds to the Wood Element and its strengths include new beginnings; staying in touch with our life force; optimism, and a willingness to start over.
Summer corresponds to the Fire Element and its strengths include maturing to our full potential; ability to express warmth; ability to maintain a sense of expansion and joy.
Late Summer corresponds to the Earth Element and its strengths include gathering the harvest of our work, efforts and experiences; being nurtured and feeling secure.
Autumn corresponds to the Metal Element and its strengths include being able to let go and complete projects, relationships, etc. and connecting to spirit.
Winter corresponds to the Water Element and its strengths include going deep within and recharging our energies.
A clear indication that a Seasonal Repatterning is needed is if you observe that your physical, mental or emotional symptoms get better or worse in a particular season (e. g. allergies, depression, etc.) or if you passionately love a particular season more than the others.
Seventh Thoracic Vertebra
The thoracic vertebrae correspond to the Heart Chakra. Some physical manifestations of T-7 are ulcers and gastritis. Non-coherence associated with this vertebra are: “I store my pain.” “I refuse to enjoy.” “I stay with the same mental outlook.”
Small Intestine Meridian
Called the “Minister of Reception,” this meridian correlates to the Fire Element in the Chinese Five Element Acupuncture System. Physically, the small intestine receives partially digested food from the stomach and further refines it, separating ‘the pure from the impure’, then assimilating the purified nutrients and moving the impure wastes onwards to the large intestine for elimination. It extracts what the body needs and passes on to the large intestine what is not needed.
The pathway of this meridian starts on the little finger, runs up the arm, over the shoulder and ends just in front of the ear, on the left and the right sides of the body. Blockages in this meridian can cause physical symptoms such as frozen shoulder, stiff neck, tennis elbow, digestive and urinary problems, and hearing difficulties, including tinnitus.
The Small Intestine Meridian is responsible for receiving and making things thrive. It performs this same function on the emotional, mental and spirit levels where it impacts our ability to make crucial decisions about what really matters to us, what is pure and impure and what our priorities are. Imbalances in this meridian may cause us to become stuck in ambivalence, unable to commit to a career, a relationship, or any course of action that may nourish us. We may lack discernment and discrimination, become overly critical and cynical, or at the other end of the spectrum, be naive and gullible.
The high energy time for this meridian is 1:00 pm-3:00 pm.
SNS Body Shake-Out
The sympathetic nervous system (SNS) body shake-out releases residual tension from the body-mind system. After a shock, upset or stressful event, the sympathetic nervous system energy that mobilized to handle the stress may not fully discharge from your system, and doing the SNS Body Shake-Out is a way to release this excess energy.
Animals in the wild, when they encounter danger, automatically release any excess SNS energy that was not discharged in escaping or fighting. They do this by shaking it off, rolling over, running or trembling all of the muscles in their bodies.
This SNS Body Shake-Out is something that you can do whenever you feel tense or after you’ve been in a tense situation to release the stress from your system.
How to:
Start by shaking out your wrists.
Now shake out your wrists and elbows vigorously … include your shoulders.
Now include your neck in the shake-out, as well as your wrists, elbows and shoulders.
Now shake out your hips and chest. Bounce on your knees. Shake out your ankles.
Now shake out your whole body!
Complete the SNS body shake-out by bending over and shaking out your jaw, shoulders, and arms.
Slowly straighten from the base of your spine.
Take a deep breath and sigh out.
Solar Plexus Chakra
Also known as the Fire chakra and the 3rd Chakra. This chakra relates to how we project our power out into the world. It relates to our sense of self and self-worth, establishing and honoring our boundaries and taking responsibility for ourselves and who we are in the world. The sense of seeing correlates to the solar plexus chakra. The note of E correlates to this chakra as well as the color yellow.
Sound Frequency Repatterning
You are a pulsing field of frequency patterns and your every thought, emotion, word, physical organ and tissue down to the smallest cellular structure has its own frequency pattern. When your frequency patterns are coherent you feel fully alive and vibrant. When you experience pain, problems or illness you know that your frequency patterns are non-coherent.
A frequency pattern consists of a note, octave, harmonics and amplitude. When there is disharmony it may be that your note or fundamental frequency is out of tune. Or the note may be vibrating at an octave that is too high or too low. Or the amplitude may be off – either too loud or too soft. Or the harmonic pattern is distorted – one or more harmonics are too loud or too soft, too fast or too slow.
With the Sound Frequency Repatterning we can identify the pattern of note, octave, harmonics and interval (the space between the notes) that is disharmonious and the optimal frequency pattern of the note that will return your system to harmony.
This is using the muscle checking to identify the exact location in your mind/body/spirit system where you are holding, or are not holding, the frequency pattern that is symbolized by the statement which we are checking for resonance.
Spleen Meridian
This meridian corresponds to the Earth Element in the ancient Chinese Five Element Acupuncture system.
This “official” is closely linked with the Stomach Meridian and assists in the transformation of food and drink into Qui and blood. It also distributes Qui around the body so poor circulation is often the result of Spleen Meridian dysfunction. Other physical symptoms include fatigue, obesity and digestive problems.
The Spleen creates, monitors and resolves thoughts, opinions and intentions, and is responsible for analytical thinking, memory, cognition, intelligence, and ideas. When the Spleen energy is imbalanced pre-occupation, obsession thinking and compulsive behavior may result. Coherent qualities of the Spleen Meridian energy are trust, honesty, openness, acceptance, equanimity, balance, and impartiality
The high energy time of the Spleen Meridian is between 9:00 – 11:00 am.
Stomach Meridian
Part of the Chinese acupuncture system, the Stomach Meridian corresponds to the Earth Element. This “official” carries out the first part of the process of receiving food and drink into your body and transforming it into Qui life energy. It is responsible for the entire food pathway from the saliva in your mouth, down through the esophagus and into the stomach and duodenum.
On the physical level the stomach is responsible for extracting and balancing all Five Elemental Energies from foods and fluids ingested through the mouth. Any dysfunction of the stomach results in an immediate deficiency or imbalance in the nourishing energy channeled from the stomach to other organs.
In addition to determining one’s digestive metabolism and eating habits, the stomach meridian affects your ability to assimilate new ideas and experiences, and concentrate and absorb information. The stomach meridian also influences your mental state, including mental agitation, cloudy thinking and inability to absorb information.
The high energy time of the Stomach Meridian is between 7:00am – 9:00 am.
The Sun represents the Will and the masculine archetype of the father. It is the primal energy and cause for being; it is the vitality that inspires life and your conscious aim that expresses the best of who you are.
Swinging relaxes the eyes and the body. Swaying from side to side is an automatic reaction when a person or animal wants to relax. People with vision issues tend to see things as stationary, or through tension make things stationary, which creates stress because life is energy in motion. With the swing you begin to see everything moving in the opposite direction to your eye movement.
1. Stand with your feet apart and arms by your sides.
2. Swing from side to side allowing your heels to come off the ground.
3. Keep a soft focus, not focusing on anything in particular. Your eyes paint a horizontal line and the world moves by in the opposite direction to your swing.
4. Your head and eyes turn together.
Head Swing
Swing your head and see things passing by in the opposite directions. For instance swing your head along a fence and see it moving by in the opposite direction.
Systemic Loyalties Repatterning
“It is possible that the pattern acquired through loyalty to our family system has been useful to us for a long time, but now it prevents our full development. Perhaps we are faithful to our system, always making the best effort. This pattern may have help us to be very good students and excel in our careers. However, it is also possible to do things easily without always having to give our best. Having the possibility open to act in different ways by adapting ourselves to what we want when facing a certain situation makes us happier and more complete.
“In the Systemic Loyalties Repatterning, we can become aware of the loyalty that is blocking our present performance, so we can tune up with an alternative coherent pattern and take the quantum leap to what we really want that benefits us. To be able to achieve this, we need to honor our ancestors and resonate with having their permission to let go of the old, non-coherent patterns while integrating the new coherent pattern.” Block, Carin, “Healing the Family System” pp.83, 84
The Triple Heater Meridian
The Triple Heater Meridian brings harmony and balance to all of the other meridians and all other meridians suffer when this is imbalanced. Triple Heater Meridian brings light and lightness to life and allows us to enjoy people and groups.
Socially attuned, the Triple Heater Meridian makes it possible for us to enjoy approaching people in a warm and friendly way; to be comfortable in group situations, to easily connect with strangers and friends, and to give and receive pleasure through social relationships.
Theta Brain Waves
4-8 cycles per second; deep sleep, trance states, beyond the pain threshold, deep healing.
(Also called the Ether Chakra and the Fifth Chakra) This chakra relates to the sacred void where creation takes place. It is the place of new possibilities. The throat chakra relates to our ability to align our will with the divine and speak our truth from this place of alignment.
Traditionally held beliefs about turquoise: builds skin, good for infections, burns, wounds, cerebrally calming (insomnia), dissipates pain, lowers fevers, relieves headaches.
Emotional Benefits: Calming effect on the mind and emotions. Regeneration, refreshment, resourcefulness.
Umbilical Muscle Check (UMB)
Sometimes you can be holding in your energy system the exact mirror image of the frequency wave pattern that is being muscle checked, which cancels out that wave pattern, meaning that you are not only not resonating with the frequency pattern that the statement represents, but you have zero energy in your system for the positive aspect of the statement.
Usually when it’s an umbilical check, it is a core issue for you or is a very old issue and you probably moved out of resonance with the positive at a very early age, either prenatal or in infancy.
Unresolved Past Communication Repatterning
“The perception of infants and children is very different from the perception of adults. When an infant or child perceives an event as threatening to its survival – for instance the mother and father going out for the evening – the child’s feeling, right brain may be experiencing the terror of abandonment or permanent loss of its parents. The highly developed, logical left brain of the parents “knows” that they will only be gone for a few hours. The child’s right brain, however, does not know this.
“Because of the infant’s subjective, feeling point of view the “abandonment” is experienced as its own fault: “I am the problem.” Based on the child’s un met life need for contact with the mother, certain frequencies become non-coherent. The non-coherence is reflected in the child’s unconscious negative beliefs or perceptions about itself. For example, “They have gone because I’ve done something wrong” or “If I was loveable they would stay.”
“The result of the energy field constriction is that the brain doesn’t communicate fully with certain areas of the body and eventually these blocks may cause us to experience physical pain and illness. Unfortunately, we fail to update these childhood beliefs and we continue to relate to others, usually for the rest of our lives, from these same beliefs and negative perceptions.
“If we have pain or disease either in our body or in our relationships, there is usually a connection to an old event where the communication between the left and the right brain needs to be completed. The right brain may need to be told that its belief is mistaken and that the earlier event was not its fault.
“The left brain may need to hear the mother’s or father’s communication that was never actually said. The part of the body in pain, manifesting beliefs from the unconscious, may also need to “speak.” Once these new perceptions are anchored we are able to communicate in the present with integrated left and right brain hemispheres – discrimination, objectivity and logic integrated with feeling, understanding and ability to perceive creative new possibilities.” Wordsworth, Chloe “Principles of Relationship” pp. 63-64.
Venus Frequency
Venus rules the affections, the heart, love life, and your pleasures, including gifts. This feminine planet also represents beauty, harmony, refinement, and art. The planet of grace makes the world more attractive and fun. Venus is also associated with time, wealth, power, contemplation, the senses and female sensuality. Venus holds the world together in families, tribes and society.
Visualization for a Lost Body Part Retrieval
Part of the Fusion process, this Modality to Transform Resonance reconnects you with a body part from which you have become disconnected. Someone, usually a family member or family generations, is holding this body part for you. The practitioner guides you through a visualization to fuse back the lost body part into your system and once this is done your purpose is then clear. You may want to do this visualization on your own or with someone else who asks you the questions. You can do the visualization as it is written here or come up with your own images in answer to the questions.
Visualization for a Lost Quality Retrieval
Part of the Fusion process, this Modality to Transform Resonance fuses into your system a quality from which you have that you have become disconnected. Someone, usually a family member, is holding this lost quality for you and this is a way for that person to give you back the quality. You visualize this happening in a special environment with a beautiful or powerful symbol representing the lost quality. The lost quality then becomes fused back into your system and once this is done our purpose is then clear.
You may want to do the visualization on your own or with someone else who asks you the questions. You can do the visualization as it is written in the report or come up with your own images in answer to the questions.
Water Element
One of the Chinese Five Elements (see Five Elements), Water Element strengths include going deep within and recharging our energies. The Water Element is about perseverance, ambition and directing our energy, empowerment, going with the flow, adaptable, calm, clear thinking, depth, courage, boundaries, responsiveness and reflective (how we respond to circumstances, deep listening and our ability to reflect and perceive the deeper meaning in things), soothing, and the ability to contain our energy, wealth, power and hold some in reserve so that we do not go into depletion. The season of Winter corresponds to the Water Element. The emotion of the Water Element is fear.
Water Element Repatterning
“The frequency of the Water Element is associated with power, drive, ambition, reserves of energy and the ability to flow and move to where we need to go. We all have our stories of why we are not living our life from our essence of power and huge vitality. We have our reasons for staying contracted, fearful and powerless within ourselves and our relationships. If we are disempowered and fearful, then our relationships and how we project ourselves into the world will also be disempowered and fearful. A weakened Water Element also manifests in our inability to listen deeply — to ourselves or others; we are unable to reflect clarity, or to hear what is being communicated beneath the words and behavior. When our Water Element is off-balance we will feel tired or exhausted with no reserves of energy and we may find ourselves at the mercy of our fears.
“The Water Element has four principle qualities. When the Water Element loses its natural balance the stress will manifest negatively in these qualities. If we look at the simple analogy of taking a shower and relate this to the state of our own Water energy, it may give us a greater appreciation and understanding for the qualities of this Element. Like water from a shower:
“1. Your Water Element needs to be available. If you cannot access your Water (power, energy, drive, money, knowledge, wisdom) it leads to fear.
“2. Your Water Element needs to have flow and power behind it. If its flow comes and goes haphazardly, or your water pressure is so low that it lacks power, you find yourself being or feeling inconsistent, powerless, without the will or drive to do or be your highest and best, and/or unable to maintain consistent energy to complete your projects.
“3. Your Water Element needs to be the correct temperature. If it is too hot or too cold, you cannot make use of it. If you are too cold, or frozen, you feel hard, cold and lack flow in your relationships and work. If your Water Element is too hot, you tend to overwhelm others with your energy, power, and/or money.
“4. Your Water Element needs to be pure. If the water coming from a shower is murky and foul smelling, you can’t use it to clean yourself. Similarly when your Water energy is impure or toxic, you will have low energy relationships based on negative competition, power plays, fear, and/or control issues.
“The intention of the Water Element Repatterning is to identify where we want to come into our power and where our Water is frozen, unavailable, powerless or impure. This repatterning then transforms these non-coherent frequencies so we are free to move, flow, adapt, and persevere with the drive to attain our vision.” Wordsworth, Chloe Faith, “Principles of Relationship,” pp. 70-71.
Wood Element
One of the Chinese Five Elements (see Five Elements), Wood Element strengths include moving easily into new beginnings; staying in touch with our life force; optimism, and a willingness to start over. The Wood Element is about new beginnings, timing, vision, focus, goal setting, flexibility, decision making, judgment, reaching our potential, identity, and positive self assertion. The season of Spring corresponds to the Wood Element. The emotion of the Wood Element is anger.
Wood Element Repatterning
When we are out of phase with the frequencies of the Wood Element, we may feel hopeless. We may have no plans or goals. We may not be able to give birth to new ideas and projects. We may make poor decisions, feel angry, depressed or non-assertive. We may feel frustrated by our lack of growth, our lack of movement, our inertia, our inability to change and transform. We may lose our focus. We may become critical of ourselves and others. We have little self-esteem or sense of our uniqueness. Time becomes an issue for us: we procrastinate, arrive late, are out of time and rhythm with natural events, are unable to take a pause and allow for silence.
When we come into phase with the coherent frequency of the Wood Element, we are filled with hope as we open ourselves to the full expression of our creative energy, and to the decisions that will allow us to grow towards the light of self-realization – knowing ourselves and who we truly are.
One of the strengths of the Wood Element is positive goal setting. The power of goals sets us in motion. Because of the principle that one system in motion affects another system in motion, we can expect a response to our movement towards our goals in the form of unplanned, unexpected and unpredictable events. When we are in phase with our Wood Element energy, we are aware of, and appreciate, the power of these serendipitous events. We respond to them positively because we recognize that they are drawing us beyond our small, planned goal to a greater plan of self-realizing our potential as a human being.
Writing Repatterning
Your handwriting is your unique self-expression. As each individual snowflake is unique, so is each person’s handwriting unique. When you have a problem it may be connected to how you are projecting yourself. You may need to check for the non-coherent frequency projection in your writing, and transform the underlying pattern, so once more you are clear and coherent within yourself and in how you project yourself. Sometimes this Repatterning alone is sufficient to transform any problem you are experiencing, not just in relation to writing. Wordsworth, Chloe Faith, Transforming Primary Patterns p. 63, 2002.
We are complex, multi-dimensional beings; the X-Factor represents a specific part of our mind/body/spirit system that is not currently within our body of knowledge and/or something that is beyond the human capacity to understand.
The color yellow is associated with the Solar Plexus Chakra. It’s complementary, balancing color is violet. It’s note is E.
Traditionally Held Beliefs About Yellow:
Stimulates the nervous system; tones muscles; activates lymph and clears skin; purifies the live and blood; expels parasites; stimulates the intestines, pancreas, and production of digestive fluids.
Emotional Benefits: for depression and apathy.