Decisiveness is the Key to Success

Indecisiveness can put a holt on your success. In this post I explain why decisiveness is the key to success.

Anchoring the Vibration of Love

We are coming to a close of this sacred eclipse window. We’ve released a lot of baggage and now it’s time to fill those spaces with positive intentions.James A. Dempsey and Elizabeth Tobin discuss the energies and how to use the power of intention to move forward 😍Click this link to get the Anchoring the […]

The Empath’s Survival Guide: Life Strategies for Sensitive People

I’m a big fan of borrowing books from my local library. My philosophy is, “Why buy a book when you can just borrow it and return it?” It saves money, and more importantly, it frees up precious space in your bookcase. But Dr. Judith Orloff’s book, “The Empath’s Survival Guide: Life Strategies for Sensitive People” […]

Anger or Passion? Why You Need Both

Have you noticed that anger, frustration and irritability seem to be up for people big time right now? I know in the USA as a nation we’re doing some serious collective shadow work. You can hear it in all that “Am I angry?? You bet I’m angry!” political rhetoric. And it’s not just the Americans, […]

How We Bought Our Dream Home by the Sea – A Study in the Water Element

  Have you ever had an experience where you felt thwarted by obstacles, only to find that in retrospect you got just what you needed? Well, how my husband and I got our dream home near the ocean is one of those stories. You’d think because I do Resonance Repatterning, and we’re both experts at […]

Why Is New Year’s Such a Powerful Time to Set Intentions?

Why is New Year’s such a powerful time to set intentions and think about what you want to bring into your life? I’m sure it’s because so many people add their dreams to this time, and together humanity creates a HUGE field of attraction to support all of our positive intentions.

4 Tips for a More Peaceful Holiday Season

Sometimes I feel like the holiday season here in the Northern Hemisphere is a cruel joke. It’s the busiest time of the year – and it’s also the darkest time of the year. So, it’s not the best time to be putting on your Superhero outfit and trying to get a monumental amount of things done in your day.

The Council of Light: Divine Transmissions for Manifesting the Deepest Desires of the Soul

My friend, Danielle Rama Hoffman, just released her second book, The Council of Light: Divine Transmissions for Manifesting the Deepest Desires of the Soul. Through her advanced spiritual work with Thoth, Danielle was introduced to the Council of Light—an intergalactic group of thousands of light beings from across the Multiverse. Their purpose is to support individuals […]

Family Words of Wisdom from Keith Richards?

“I think families are great as long as they get along. And if you can do it with a couch full, why not a world full? How wonderful life would be.” – Keith Richards Ok, so maybe Keith isn’t the best role model, but he’s spot-on with this one. You see, the dynamics that play […]

What does it take to be a Master at Manifesting?

If you listened to the last Gateway to Grace call you learned some powerful exercises to keep your manifestation circuit clean – especially your Pelvic Chakra. In fact, you learned a lot about the chakra system as it relates to setting intentions and manifesting. What we didn’t cover was how your Meridian System also affects your […]