Join the Affiliate Program

If you’re tuned into the evolution of consciousness then you know that this is a critical time to use our collective power to amp up the volume – we need to raise our individual and collective vibration as high as we possibly can, quickly. We can do this together with the Resonance Repatterning Proxy Groups.

Become an Affiliate today and get started uplifting humanity while increasing your prosperity!

If you would like to earn commissions by telling others about the Resonance RepatterningĀ® Proxy Groups then become an affiliate today. You can increase your income by helping to raise the vibration of yourself, humanity, and our planet.


Earn 35% Commission

When one of your referrals joins a proxy group you get 35% of their registration fee, whether they join a single proxy group session, purchase an entire proxy group series, or create a monthly subscription payment plan. Encourage your referrals to join the proxy groups on the monthly subscription plan and you earn completely passive income month after month because you will earn 35% each and every month that their subscriptions are active.

Unlimited Earning Potential

There is no limit to the number of people the remote distance healing proxy groups can hold each month, so your earning potential is unlimited. You decide how much time and energy you want to put into growing your extra income. You can earn hundreds or thousands of dollars each month. The choice is yours!

Refer Just 3 friends!

Refer just 3 friends and each month that they join the proxy groups, you will earn enough in commissions to completely pay for your own participation in the proxy groups. In effect, you get to join the groups for free!

Get All the Support You Need

Your success is my success and our success is humanity’s success so I want to do everything I can to help you succeed. When you join my Affiliate Program you will have access to tools and resources to help you spread the word about the proxy groups.

Here’s How It Works:

When you join as an Affiliate you will get your own unique Affiliate Code URL that you can post on a Web site, in your emails, blog, forums, FaceBook, Twitter, business cards, flyers, etc. This URL can also be embedded into graphics. When clicked, your referral will go directly to this URL. Once there, cookies will track your referrals and when they join a proxy group session, you will get full credit!

Your referrals do not have to make a purchase the first time they visit my website through your Affiliate Code URL. As long as the cookies are enabled your referrals can return to my site again and again within 3 years and each time they make a qualifying purchase you get full credit.
Click here to join today and get started uplifting humanity while increasing your prosperity!