Elizabeth Tobin’s Biography

Mission Statement

Vision for the Proxy Groups

How I came to Resonance Repatterning

Chloe Wordsworth, RR Founder

Repatterning Practitioners Association Mission Statement

Elizabeth Tobin, JD, C.R.R.P. was the first Certified Resonance Repatterning® Practitioner residing in Massachusetts, USA. Ms. Tobin studied Resonance Repatterning (RR) with its founder, Chloe Wordsworth, and has been using this empowering process for personal transformation on herself and others since 1999.

Elizabeth started her professional life as an attorney, but left the law in search of something more uplifting that would allow her to help others bring about concrete, positive changes in their lives. This quest brought her to work at a battered women’s shelter. She then went on to become the executive director of a transitional housing program for homeless women in recovery from substance abuse, and later became the executive director of a community organizing coalition.

Elizabeth has been practicing Resonance Repatterning on a full-time basis since 2001 and is a pioneer in the breakthrough process of remote distance healing proxy groups for individual and global healing. She is internationally respected as a caring and gifted practitioner. She is the past Chair of the Repatterning Practitioners Association’s (RPA) Certification Committee and is a contributing columnist for the RPA Journal. Elizabeth was a founding board member of CommonPassion.org and served on their Core Planning Team. In addition, Elizabeth sat on the Gaiafield.net Wisdom Council and has helped to plan global consciousness events such as The Global Eden Event, WiseUSA, and The Conscious Convergence.

Elizabeth works with an international clientele from all walks of life, presenting a myriad of issues that they are wanting to change. Of her work, Elizabeth says, “As someone who has dedicated my working life to helping people improve their circumstances, I was attracted to Resonance Repatterning® because it is so precise and effective in bringing about positive change in any area of people’s lives. My clients experience profound results in just a few sessions, whereas other methods may take years. To me, Resonance Repatterning is an invaluable tool and with it anything is possible.”

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My mission is to use my Resonance Repatterning® skills to facilitate your self-discovery so that you are empowered to know, honor and own your truth, that you may live authentically from your essence and manifest your full potential. In each Resonance Repatterning session, I hold the space for you to experience profound, yet gentle, transformations, realize your true hearts’ desires, and create joy and abundance in all aspects of your life.

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I see the distance healing proxy groups as a means of healing on the individual, planetary and universal levels. My vision is to grow the groups to critical mass so that as each individual participant makes quantum shifts in their own life, these shifts automatically raise the planetary consciousness and clear the universal field — a sort of multidimensional, cosmic closet cleaning.

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I came to Resonance Repatterning (RR) after being in an auto accident and then spending the next year going to the chiropractor, acupuncturist and rolfer — all with varying degrees of success. After my first RR session, I was amazed at the results and decided that I wanted to learn this work for myself. It has transformed my life. I have never felt so grounded, hopeful and in control of how my life is going. I used to feel that I was a small boat tossed about in a big sea — always reacting to problems that popped up. Now I do not react to events in the same way. I’m open to the possibilities for growth that each situation presents to me. I now feel that I am pro-actively creating my life, which is very empowering.

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Chloe Faith Wordsworth, Founder of Resonance RepatterningCHLOE FAITH WORDSWORTH, FOUNDER OF RR
The Resonance Repatterning Process was developed by Chloe Faith Wordsworth over a 25-year period of studying and practicing many healing systems. Chloe synthesized this new and dynamic system for positive change in the early 1990s by applying her training in Acupuncture, Polarity Therapy, brain integration and other healing systems along with her knowledge of psychology, physics, sound frequencies and the holographic model.

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We are an association of people from around the world who have the ideal of putting love into action by being an instrument of transformation for ourselves and others. We acknowledge the inherent goodness, strength and wisdom within all beings. We live and work with integrity, empowering ourselves and others to manifest higher states of coherence. Through Resonance Repatterning we are inspired to resonate with life-enhancing intentions and to transform our resonance with non-coherent attitudes and unconscious patterns. Through RR we bring positive change to ourselves, our relationships, communities and ultimately our planet.

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